
The I guess I'll just have to wait until the game goes into the bargain bin so I don't feel like I'm getting taken for a ride buying $5 DLC for a game I paid $60 for that has less content then previous installments of the same franchise. Seems to be a theme with games nowadays.

While I will admit, a lot of commercials are using dubstep (I'm looking at you, Syndicate) and I'm not a huge fan of it myself, there is actually a difference in electronic music. Not all of it is dubstep and this certainly isn't an example of it. It sounded more to me like a very nice set of Breaks music if

Everyone is quite a bit taller than Seth Green.

Whelp, this just went from a "first-week" purchase to a "wait for the GotY Edition with all the DLC for a lower price" purchase.

It gets me killed a lot, but when I play Assault I always crouch next to someone I've revived in hopes of gunning down the bastard who got him or making sure he doesn't get shot a second time unless I've already shot the guy. Again, might get me killed a lot, but at least I feel like I'm doing my job instead of

It's like every incarnation of God of War I've played, I started on Hard and I wailed on it until I won. Nothing got me more frustrated or determined than when that damn "Do you want to change the difficulty to easy?" request popped up. Blatantly ignored, I'd continued to fight until I won, then all I could do was

I think it would be awesome to add one more player to the Co-Op: a commander. Someone watching over the battle like before and plotting out the players' routes. He has eyes in places they don't, maybe even be able to hack systems they're not able to get into or call in support of some such. Might be dreaming, but I

She's also an alchemist of some talent, so I can imagine magic potions of various sorts probably don't hurt that whole "remain in perfect shape" thing.

Will we finally get the update with the Looney Tunes and MonStars?! Oh please oh please oh please!

I love Freddie, but as far as "Battlefield" is concerned, I think the airsoft boys here did it better. They got the feeling of the game, the HUD, and the movements much closer than what Freddie did.

Grammatical error, I think. I'm guessing he meant "the first shooter in years I've played regularly."

That's Samara, not Liara.

It's the exact same reason the Matrix has no sequels.

I'm curious if that's the way the market will eventually go. Pretty soon games will no longer come out of the gate running. There will be a trickle of initial buys, fanboys and the like, but everyone else holding out until the GotY edition because they're sick of feeling gypped from the trickle of DLC and the cost


Is he Salvador's taller, younger brother?

I would guess it's because the content doesn't matter. It's about getting the hits for the YouTube AdSense money. If you can get guys to click on your videos with the promise of cleavage, you make money.

Only in Japan and for Japanese IPs. Best we have is Tri for the Wii and that's limited and not in HD. And don't start with the portable stuff, MH was not meant to be played on a tiny screen with adhoc multiplayer.

Can you think of any other reason you'd watch her videos?

While I agree, the functionality of most displayed armor in games is laughable but that's not the point. It's a game, by the very core it's fantasy and not real. The armor is made to be cool looking, to make you think your character is a badass, or at least looks like one. There is most definitely a reason why