
And I approve.

I still long for the day when someone goes "hey, remember those guys who did our kick-ass cinematics? Blur Studios? Let's give them a bunch of money to make a feature-length film." That will be a day of awesome.

I had whatever their equivalency of a combo meal at the time. If it requires more, I think I'm safe not being addicted.

As I was telling my wife last night, Steam is the one of the biggest reasons why I can't get into console gaming. You never see a console service with sales and convenience and support like Steam.

I don't understand that at all. My scenario went like this:

From Space Ninja!

I'm with the first one as well. I thought, especially given the size of the explosion, that Jonah had blown them all up, hence why it then moved to the next level in the commercial much like how it moved after Jonah set off the Bouncing Bettie in the first level.

While I have no completed the game yet and am enjoying it fully, I figure I'll throw in a few cents as well. Just as a comment to your combat issue: upgrading is the key. There's actually an upgrade that removes the ragdolling when you're hit from an explosion. This helps immensely. As another commenter mentioned,

Dammit, beat me to it.

I got it for PC, so I'll just wait for Steam to have one of their insane sales and get all the DLC for a song.

This is awesome, and I'm not totally going to buy this game strictly because of this. However, will it allow you use the custom characters from two separate accounts in the VS mode? Irritated me to no end that my daughter would make a hundred characters on her account and then we'd go into versus and I could either

It was light-hearted jabbing. Which I don't remember any on-stage make up for it, there didn't seem like there were hard feelings either.

Thanks, Tem. You rock just a little bit.

I was at this panel. It was amazing and incredibly inspiring and saddening at the same time. The follow up with Neil was equally awesome. Easily the best panel at TAM this year.

I see what you did there.

Really? Falling Rocks? That's the best they could do for Colorado? I lived there for 23 years, there's far more frightening things coming from the Western Vatican than falling rocks.

Merrill looks wicked in that concept art. Much more, um... blood magey? Yeah, I'll go with that.

I wasn't terribly excited about this until this trailer and I heard the magical words "4-player Co-op campaign." Now I really want this game.

This is all well and good, but if you look further in to those links provided, there's a gallery of girls cosplaying as Kneesocks and Scanty. That is totally worth it.

Yes, it is weird to get excited by this. I played the Alpha and the menu UI was not impressive. I think the part I was disappointed most in was the Squad system, which they haven't fixed if this screen shot is any indicator. They gave you two options: Find Squad and Leave Squad. No Squad selection, so if you want