
There's a reason we call the Rakk Hive "Ol' Vagina Face."


Why, why, why?! Why do they take a series that benefits so greatly from a solid, large-screen, high-definition platform and continuously release it for portable systems? A typical quest takes between a half-hour to forty minutes. I don't want to stare at tiny, low-res images while trying to target wyvern parts for

Panty and Stocking figures?! Gimme gimme!

It's all fiction. I'll let it slide since, in the end, it made sense. Using light-year as a measure of time, however, is just unforgivable.

If it were waterproof, then hell yes! Sadly, it uses the phrase incorrectly and it's only water-resistant, so I could care less. Give me a tablet I can use 90ft below the surface and I'll be interested.

Here's what I'm to understand... the Kessel Run is in an area infested with black holes. The point of saying you made it in less than 12 parsecs indicates that you were fast enough to go through it without your course being deviated from the extreme gravitational forces by more than twelve parsecs. It's been a

Did you say Playable Pitgirl?! SOLD!

I am not sure what everyone else is having issues with. That was some of the smoothest animation I've ever seen in MMO footage. I am truly impressed and look wildly forward to Guild Wars 2. And this is coming from someone who doesn't play MMOs as a general principle and avoids them like a plague.

Seriously? That's your retort? Alright, let's try this again...

I know what you mean! Playing through Mass Effect was a damn headache with all the Ebonics Commander Anderson kept throwing at me. I wondered how he was able to walk around with all those gold chains hanging off of his Navy uniform! And don't get me started on Louis from Left 4 Dead. Every ten seconds it was

Masamune Shirow. That's why.

Ditto. Well, more than a pinch, but I wanted to post exactly that.

I used to Photobomb at SakuraCon as a ninja with no pants on. Never did see any of the photos I bombed.

Dr. Steel.

#corrections "During the Gulf War he [commanded] Bravo Two Zero"

That doctor looks familiar. Where have I seen him before...

That was actually advertising for the first Bad Company, but hair splitting aside that ad just made me laugh. Good mockery.

Facebook has a function for you to backup your Facebook data. It'll download all of your photos and news feeds, if I remember correctly. Just go to your Account Settings and click Download Your Information.