
Amy's a vampire, she'll stay her age. As will Raphael.

I was actually thinking about this the other day and I thought I came up with a pretty decent solution. Instead of money, what about favor points? The more favors you do for someone, or the more helpful you are as a member of the surviving society you are, the more points you had and the more likely people would be

If it's anything like Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara, which it clearly looks like it's trying to be, then I must have this game! Even if the Amazon's backside truly frightens me.

Next-Gen? So.... PC-Exclusive Release? I can dig it.

Things I would like to see in SCV but am expecting disappointment:

While the game is F2P, will owners of the original who got screwed out of Multiplayer get anything? Like importing characters or anything of that nature? That's what I'd like to know.

Could I please just have my Monster Hunter Frontier for my computer? They have it in Japan. Just localize the bastard and let me play too.

There's a ScummVM for Android. I've been playing Sam & Max and The Dig on my Droid. It's awesome.

I'd like to see the guys doing the Parkour Tour actually do all that carrying an assault rifle or a model there of and see how successful they are and moving around like that. I fully expect them to have shoulder straps and the like; but just to see what maneuverability you could have while trying to ready, or keep

On top of that, who in the world pays $6 a gallon for milk? I get mine from the big-chain grocery store (not WalMart) for only $2.98 a gallon... and that's cheaper than the $3.89/gal gas they sell.

The problem is some people do just make a movie to do crazy stuff and then their movies get badmouthed because it was ridiculous. My favorite example was Ultraviolet. It was Kurt Wimmer's attempt at making a live action comic book (hence the saturated colors/cover credits/establish relationships with no cohesive

Wouldn't the simple answer be that, as celestial agents who are out side of our realm and our idea of time, they have their own technology? If there was a god and angels I don't think them having blue jeans and cell phones simply as a style choice would be that far fetched.

Unless that anime is First Squad.

"This was, I believe, the first recorded instance of a CIA agent being eaten alive by a rainbow trout!"

I honestly can't decided if this is awesome or laugh inducing. It looks silly, but his swings are fluid and his accuracy is excellent. One of the few people I've ever seen sheathing a sword correctly as well. But the soundtrack is goofy and it's still just some dude hacking up plastic bottles. So conflicted!

With the replay button, another Zorg invention, it's even easier. One shot...and replay sends every following shot to the same location.

@Chuck: "Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun."

@Frank Barta: He left this world... TO BECOME PRINCE OF THE UNIVERSE!