
@TheHawkMirage: Truth be told, the loading times in Monster Hunter Tri are a lot shorter than the ones in the original PS2 game.

@reckoner23: That, and text messages are attached to data packets that get sent out all the time ANYWAY, as part of your service... so anything they charge for text messages is pure profit, completely.

@TheTonyShow: Strength (Melee/HP) made your character massive in build, which was freakish on the girls past anything but the first rank. Dexterity (Ranged/Speed) made them taller, which always had my fiancee laughing how she made all her character's lesbian because dating a guy that was so much shorter than her

@MaWeiTao: You would be astounded the power a corset has on a maiden's rack.

@Platypus Man: I'd rather have Dog. But that would make the game WAY too easy.

"Like Samus is going to turn a corner somewhere in the game and find Michael Biehn standing there."

I almost thought this was a joke when I got the email about two weeks ago. How do they figure that? And on top of that, no one on that site talks to me anyway so I could care less.

@Mr McGrumpypants: It disappeared when people realized that hearing the footsteps of the enemy was beneficial. I'm all for music too, but it really does help when it's quiet enough to listen for the opfor.

I get this feeling like Yautjas always seem to be portrayed as being too short, when in canon aren't they around 7-8 feet tall? Do we just keep seeing the midget predators?

@Tyber_Zann: What gets me is that damn rubber knife glitch only seems to affect me. Everyone else seems to be able to knife me just fine. Oh, how my frustration grows. .<

For a fan film, that was amazing! Not a bad nod to the original series. I'd have a few fan nitpicks here and there, but overall a great shot film for such a low budget.

@Machadaynu: The Acts of Gord were brilliant!

What about X-Wing? That was really hard; stupid escort missions.