
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: I'd agree if that were the case. The problem that people are pointing out in this bill is not the implied mental maturity of the character, or whether or not they are of consenting age, just if they "appear" to be too young. If you have a character that appears to be 14 but lives on

@Slagathorian: All depends on how one's brain is wired. Some people can very closely associate sex and violence. Some people can get off on violence. We're going back to the general psychology of people.

@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: There in lies the problem. It's extremely arbitrary. What if the comic takes places in a fantasy setting where convenient things such as school, driving, or drinking age limits don't automatically portray a characters age? Or where people were commonly getting married at 13 during

Sounds like an old game called Progress Quest. That was an awesome application.

@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: Naturally, the majority of it IS context, that's the very important part. But if you artistically represent my examples it becomes even more subjective because you don't have the fine detail of reality, you have simple drawings on paper.

@Slagathorian: Still facing the same subjective issue. How do you define that look with absolute assurance when reality isn't even a good basis?

@Slagathorian: This is a bad argument that just leads down a road of self-destruction of your own stance. I've played violent video games for years... does that mean I'm magically inclined to commit violent acts because the games say it's okay?

@Slagathorian: I think a major issue with this whole idea, freedom of speech aside, is the sheer subjectivity of the bill. Where do you draw the line where a characters "appears" 18 or "appears" 19? That single year is important, yet how is it visually represented?

I'm not sure why it requires a brave person to wear it. She's still clothed. I have a few shirts with Betty Paige wearing less than that and I get compliments on them all the time.

Reminds me of Pella from "Looking for Group." If she dual-wields axes and sings Queen songs as she hacks away, I'll be the happiest kid in Grade Three. I don't see that happening, though.

"The decision was made early on not to support controllers at all in order to ensure that we got the mouse and keyboard control absolutely right"

Wait, didn't Disney have a copyright or trademark or something on Cloudsurfing already?

I, honestly, haven't had cable TV for years. I found that the internet, DVDs, and video games did it just fine for me. I watch TV shows entire seasons at a time. Haven't missed Cable TV one bit.

@Diyomaro: Poor girl has problems enough with a rack like that, no need you beating her with a wrench. Why don't you be a good citizen and help her carry those heavy loads. Save the poor dear's back.

@Horusz: You did see that Subject Zero was barely two bee-stings above a boy, right?

@creamed_corn: I thought that was an eye or a gem... where was YOUR mind?

@Jennacide: @Pretty Sneaky Sis: Perhaps you didn't get What I was referring to. I was talking specifically about this new game and the characters they're presenting, not the original. I have no problem with the diversity of the characters in the first Mass Effect.

I played EVE Online for 8 months training my character specifically for heavy mining and research and development. When I finally got laboratories under my belt and I discovered that the BPs were given out on a lottery-based system (I realize this was a few years ago, hang on) I quit right then an there.

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong but the majority of the problems I've had with this series of characters is the lack of variety. They all seem to be of the "I kick complete ass and have no scruples about smashing everything in my path."