I see your point, but as that lovely Jalopnik user, I still think they sound cool. And I imahine the volume will come soon
I see your point, but as that lovely Jalopnik user, I still think they sound cool. And I imahine the volume will come soon
I really, really, like Subaru (but I can't say "love").
I thought that was the new Acura.
I'm not disguising it whatsoever. As for your "meaningless words" comment, I suppose that's your way of brushing aside the completely valid points I raised.
Oh, sorry....I don't subscribe to the Cadillac "world view" that the US market is the only one that exists.
I'm ok with the new engines. But I want a loud, obnoxious Wastegate noise. I don't care if the cars are slower with it, I want the Noise.
Ken Blocks stunts are cool, but he's never been that good when time matters.
Not necessarily. The family assaulted in NYC was in a Range Rover:?
This is why they need to issue batons to motorcycle units... Indiana Jones, anyone?
I think this'd be the perfect backup for him
I'm imagining their skin bubbling and falling off right before the muscle tissue is exposed to a raging flame, and interspersed between my queasy reactions of disgust and redaction, I can feel my smile emerge for only an instant or two.
Someone send this footage over to the appropriate highway patrol station
EMP Gun. Let's get on it.
Dear Squids,
I thought everyone knew about the Saabaru.
There was like 15 seconds of action in that video X.X
No flying Chargers, not interested.
I once drunkenly shouted at one of my female opponents during Team Trivia Night some years ago: "I've forgotten more about the Russian space program than you'll ever know."
Even modern 'keyless' systems still have a physical key stashed away inside the fob. My dad has a BMW 3-series, and there's a small key inside the fob with a little button you push to let it slide out, and if the system fails you flip the end off the door handle and there's a keyhole. There's no traditional key slot,…
NO. Stay away from the automotive industry, Apple!