
This man IS a superhero... one whose secret power is the availability of masking tape at a moments notice.

The shooters, of course they are active the inactive ones are not that threatening, now have weapons that can only be dealt with via MRAP?
Maybe we do need some sort of weapons control laws if that really is the case.

ya... I want to pay 8k for people to laugh at me... CP

I would buy this thing so hard if I wasnt a teenager and poor

A true Maserati Quartraporte beater in that department.

Some close dicing with Button and Perez too. great race today. Williams are solid performers this year which is awesome to see, couldn't believe the pace of Bottas after his pit

Audi S8.

S8...not Q7

British sports car inspiration is great, certainly for aesthetics and dynamics (maybe less so the electrics).

Raph, do you know what you're doing?

It's a tiny mash-up of XKs, which isn't a bad thing if the mechanical side of things is sorted.

It's only clickbait if the story doesnt live up to the promised awesome. This story does not meet that criteria.

Nice try, junior.

You had to read Jalop while watching the stream? You know they'd break it as soon as they could.

the real story was the techs stole jewel and replaced it with a plastic or glass replica because it was lighter

It's their stupid corporate face. For every car it looks good on, there are three where it gives the impression of an irritated owl.

I see you're lost, the ESPN comment section is that way.

First of all, I'm talking about your entire commenting history, made up entirely of "that's not funny" admonishments, not just this one. This just may not be the place for you. Maybe it is, but you should try to make a comment about a story instead of some variation of "that's not funny, try again," every single

Yeah, you're right. I remember cheering for him after his F1 victory at McLaren. A pretty decent guy.