Not that we brazilians forget him. But after Emmo, Piquet and Senna, the people got used to champions.
And most of them probably break the speed limit themselves and have done stupid things such as not come to a complete stop before making a turn at a stop sign or an illegal u-turn or pay attention to a text while taking their eyes of the road. After all this is a car blog full of motorheads not grannies playing bingo.…
I think for a crossover.. they pulled it off.
Not a fan of crossovers, but for those who are: be happy!
It is different. And at least it looks like a Jag. Like the headlights. too bad its only a concept.
I think it is the vitriol in the comments that surprises me most. Why in the world are so many people reacting to the breaking of a speed limit as some kind of mortal sin? Why all the panic? Why the 'take away his license forever' comments? I've seen the video, and his driving was certainly fast (at times) and illegal…
Any of the cameras. It's NYC, there's at least 1000 cameras, security, redlight, etc, along his route.
"Retroactive"? It's not like this guy was over the speed limit a bit and hunted down. He engaged in a ridiculously selfish, not to mention illegal, joyride at risk of other vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians. He then posted his illegal activity on the internet, where it went viral. Could any responsible police…
we're sorry
This is what they should have in GT5 in that stupid vitz cup.
There are big signs when you get off the ferry reminding people, on both sides of the channel, and in Dover at least, they're repeated as you leave on the main road towards London. I also noticed them at Girona airport in Spain when I was there over the summer, reminding the British and Irish tourists (Ryanair is the…
Yo dawg,
Not the same link, but:
I knew this coupling was trouble when I walked in.
Sorry Matt, but I think you are reading this wrong. "Car Culture" is not the "Car Culture" we think about here at Jalopnik. Full disclosure: I work for public transit and my main conveyance is a bike, though I own and maintain a pretty well-developed STS-class Miata and 2 other cars for basic transportation for my…
Putting innocent lives at risk by driving 10MPH faster than traffic on half-empty roads? I'll admit that I only watched the first two minutes because I'm at work and there's a lot of internet out there to see today, but unless something drastically changed between the first two minutes and the last few I would hardly…