
I didn't know Jalop had descended to such depths as 'like this post if...'

English Car.

Loeb Tips Cap, And Car, in Salute to WRC Career.

No, I did realize it was the Chevvy one. Just amusing knowing the reputation of the Nova name in the UK :)

Like this? I could have been evil and posted some abused one, but this is a minter, and I applaud the owner for keeping it as such.

Ah. Looks like it to me from the front. Was meant in humour tbh though.

Wait, isn't this the Were-car from Futurama!?

I put money on us having more than you.... per head anyway. Just count every person that can't use lanes correctly ;)

COTD candidate? Not car related, but sums up the entire matter concisely. And we get Spiderman as a bonus.

I didn't know Apple had that much influence it could make Red Bull sound like complete Arses too! Its not just me that feels like the audio is way too overproduced for something attempting to be a documentary/'interesting look' into the world of RBR and F1 by extension. If you're watching the video, you'll be into one

I'll lean to the side of NP. Even with it being someone else's project etc etc. Its a V8 in a tiny suzuki chassis. For The equivalent of the price of my impreza. Its like going to a café with a good looking waitress. While you may send the food back 3-4 times, its always her that brings it back. You may have problems,

As an advert for Merc, or are you getting ideas of strapping a go-pro to a chickens head and having it ride shotgun at your next track day too?

The number is bigger, therefore it must be better.

Looking at the story we have, Sounds a lot like Taylor got a bee in his bonnet and started every 'step-up.' From my POV, Pullum's final action was protecting his family. Granted, stupid all-round, but at this point I have more sympathy for Pullum and his family than Taylor.

Nowt wrong with left hand exits when you drive on the correct side of the road.

So I'm more-or-less alone in not liking the looks of this.... Fair enough. I'll go voice my concerns to the CEO, since he works across the road, and no, I'll never stop mentioning this every time Caterham is mentioned.

+1 to this

Oh aye! Never more than 70 though ;) I need to keep my MPG as high as possible xD

Honestly, IDC. If it makes people drive correctly, then I'm happy to be perceived in any way. I get nods from other Subaru owners too, which is nice, as I have an n/a, feels like being the kid at the grown-ups bar for the first time. So its not all bad :)

Oh, I've perfected that 'unnerving distance' to drive at. All you need to do is fiddle with the radio whilst doing so and watch the driver freak out. Its far too much fun. I also get 'knowing' nods from coppers, which is weird, bearing in mind in my old car, I was an attention magnet myself!