Sorry, I should have come and protected you.
Sorry, I should have come and protected you.
Its also not famed for it's intelligent Drivers.
Thanks. Apply the sameish questions, but afterwards; "Do you know what Quattro is?" If you know (or can blag your way through it) you earn the exception too.
There are exceptions to every rule. While quoting "Jalops" as the exception doesn't apply, its safe to suggest that in your case, and a large percentage of BMW driving Jalops, that they are the exception to this generalization.
Testament to the GTRs unbelievable safety too, I guess. Steel framed drag cars likely would not have reacted so "well" to coming together with a barrier like that.
Who says ice is dangerous!? Absolute proof that when you drive to the conditions, even driving stupidly huge fake 4x4's (okay, this on the real-er end of that scale, but you know what I mean) can be driven, not only safely, but gracefully even in the most 'treacherous' of conditions.
Awww, and there was me thinking you were going to go for the 'low' shot, seeing as you come from the land 'down under' ;)
Apologies for the Yank remark. Duelly (see what I did there?) noted :)
They can, but we're british. We just get things done, we don't fanny about pulling wheelies etc. Thats for you yanks! ;)
Nope. I'm slightly appalled that Jalops don't know the history of the automotive to an extent that this was the tweet that advertised it's arrival on the site:…
Disagree. The winner won because they outlined an aluminium box on wheels with gullwing doors. This, or the 'best hand-drawn track' should have won. Both wipe the floor with the Delorean track on a scale of complexity, technicality, balance, hell. In every way. Swap 'Most Beautiful' and 'Overall winner', please.
A 'successful' landing would have killed the suspension, rear wing assembly, and likely the drivers back. Even if the car was 'driveable' after a landing like that, the driver wouldn't.
I'm still trying to work out the physics on that.... While certain, without video proof, I would call that improbable. Any more info?
Bearing in mind, my comment was made at a glance, I am more than willing to accept this as more accurate.
Why are half of the pictures mirrored...?
Do you not have 99RON V-power blah blah stuff there? Come to the UK, we have 2 retailers that sell it! :D
You are correct: Ghost Protocol had an i8 with Tony Stark-esque touch control on the windscreen.
Sir, I fear you may have 105RON petroleum running through your veins instead of blood.
Oh I know. Its the same in the UK. Not all cops are supremely dum...