
“I’m just going to play it until I stop”


Anyone who’s complaining about a “tyrant” telling them they can’t use offensive words is pretty clearly just trying to get away with using slurs whenever they feel like it to describe something or someone they don’t like. It’s like, “man, I can’t be a bigot anymore now that I have half a million followers? I pine for

“I use the word ‘faggot’ to call people ‘retards,’”

Fortnite: [some weird, random, non-interactive sci-fi thing is foreshadowed] [thing happens] [Epic publishes a map change, adds a consumable] “Wow, what incredible plot development!”

In the same sense a block of wood makes a better toothbrush than a brick. 

This comparison is dumb as bricks.

Clearly it was not... Just too expensive for you.

Remember, you weren’t buying a skin and supporting cancer at the same time, you were supporting cancer and getting a free skin on the side. 

They’ve been directing victims to the Git Gud Foundation. 

Honestly, a battle royale game where pilots jetted and wall ran across a battle torn map filled with AI opponents and pilots, whose deaths helped power a Titan drop, would actually be stellar. Imagine getting to the final circle and half a dozen or so Titans drop from the sky (and you burned your drop earlier in the

I always had the assumption that Leon was based on 1997 Leonardo DiCaprio.

Because both games got good reviews and they still sold millions of copies? I don’t understand your negativity here. Where are you getting your views from, a random Reddit thread in a subreddit with 40 members?


Cool. I looked up their canonical ages.

As much of a meme as this is, I would absolutely play it.

A little perplexed as to why you’re trying to present your view as fact when it’s incorrect. Respawn has multiple teams, they’ve been hiring for a new Titanfall game, and they’ve said they’re working on a new Titanfall game.

i have an idea on how to salvage this, 100 titans fall onto an island, there’s a circle that gets smaller, last one standing wins.

Neither of them were born when the game originally came out.

I just want Titanfall 3. The single player campaign of 2 was phenomenal. 

Maybe it’s just me but if I’m paying out the ass for a figurine like this I’d rather it be pose-able and accessorized.

Read the original messages and judge for yourself. Were these appropriate responses to customers? Or was she an innocent victim?