
Maybe I should finally play the first one! Did they ever release a 60fps patch for ps5?

I really like the character design, reminds me of Blade and Soul.

Very excited for Lost Legacy! It’s my Favorite uncharted just after the second one!

The game is single-player only, not DLC, no MTX.

Seems pretty in line with what other games are doing. It might be high but it is still entirely optional.

it suppose to be washed out because that’s what it would look like in real life. This is what volumetric rendering do. It fills the whole environment with light, like how light bounce on everything and tint everything in real life. Shadows in real life are never perfect black, they are always tinted by the lights

As an animator, I’ve always had a personal pet peeve about people only ever being able to compliment animation on how “smooth” it is. Smooth isn’t hard. We’ve got prebuilt rigs and the ability to let a computer “tween” an infinite number of frames between one key pose and another. Even the crappiest animation can be

Pandemic is the one game that everyone seems to love, that reading about seem awesome but when I play it I get frustrated and I have no fun at all.

That was creepy. >.<”

The basis of this article is extremely creepy and makes me uncomfortable.

Some of us also have animals at home that we’d like to still be alive when we return there.

Because an AC unit has to work harder (run longer) to bring the temp back down.

Herrmann built Bahamut to commemorate the 17th anniversary of Final Fantasy X’s release in 2001 . . .

“Robb plans to spend the next few months going on a series of trips to scout out potential new homes”

And yet the consequences were largely disproportionate to his “crimes.” Getting doxxed for a crime that almost all of us have done at one point or another is ludicrous. And to say that he and his family getting doxxed was “his fault” is even more so.

The more I’ve seen of this game, the less intrigued I become - I know they’re only showing the same demo that you got to try, but everything about this is starting to feel a little bit stale, the gunplay looks a little weak in comparison to other games as well. I understand it’s there to build tension and I’m hopeful

And this is why you don’t vote for bigoted fascists whose only real knowledge of running a business is to pile up debt until you have to file for bankruptcy to be president.

Well, here’s her upstanding TotalBiscuit tweet:

Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not

“I’m just going to play it until I stop”
