
I think it’s a remarkably shitty thing to do overall. But if this new feature helps them to find a consenting team of 6 to throw with then its still better being the poor bastard stuck on a team literally trying to lose.  

“Being a professional Gamer is ALOT better than being a programmer. that’s just me”

But you would make a shit ton more money as a programmer though...

Ugh, Valve has been exhausting this year with the amount of backwards progress they’ve been making. At this point, going back to doing nothing would be preferable.

This looks like a great time. I’d buy it just for the chance to explore that gorgeous looking world, but the combat looks fun as well.

Looks great! Can’t wait to hear about the other elder game activities later :) 

The Last of Us has the best ending of any game I’ve ever played, easy. And one of the best endings I’ve ever seen in just about any story (book, movie, or TV show) I can think of. (Which is one of the reasons I’m both excited for and really nervous about the sequel.)

  • Doomfist

Did you try asking for sailors?

“Understand the palm of my hand, bitch” is one of the greatest moments in video game history. 

Now playing

But if you kill her you miss one of the game’s highest highlights!

Westworld, The Handmaid’s Tale, Silicon Valley, Baskets? These shows didn’t all of a sudden stop being among the best in their genres this year (whereas Arrested Development might have). I’d add The Staircase as “new” for practical purposes. Also, since we’re including documentaries (i.e. non-fiction), you damn well

That was not worth the shitty wannabe punk cover of that song.

The difference with the SNES classic is that it has the never released before Star Fox 2, so for a collector, this is extremely worth it.

You can also easily hack it to add pretty much any SNES games of your liking and be able to play them properly on a HDTV. 

I totally get where the frustration comes from, I’d love to be able to play Warframe or Monster Hunter World with my friends who aren’t on PS4, but I do find it slightly odd that cross-play is something that we’ve literally never had in any previous generation, yet seems to be something everyone is

Microsoft did the same fucking thing last generation. Why is this suddenly ONLY Sony’s fault?

welcome to the majority of Nintendo’s ideas....

Unrelated but the new Kotaku pride logo owns please never change it back

Like Microsoft wouldn’t be doing the same thing if they had the vast majority of console owners like Sony does. This is just a smart business move on Sony’s part. Opening up to cross play would make it so people don’t have to own the same console to play together, and since Sony has the largest install base, people

Realistically, what does Sony have to gain from enabling crossplay with xbox? One of the major deciding factors for people as to what console to buy is “what system will my friends be on?” Since the ps4 is dominating the marketplace, that’s an incentive to choose them over xbox. Going crossplay removes that incentive.

... his point isn’t about windows, it’s about cross play, which despite what the article says, PS4 DOES support. They just don’t support cross-play with Xbox and Nintendo consoles. PC and MOBILE (also not windows) count for something, so the article could at least correct its article.

For the record, I think Sony is