
I don’t see how anyone is expecting the FF7 remake this year or even early next. It’s not gonna show before the next gen systems officially get names and a press event and that’s being kind. They’ve got too much riding on it to dare to announce anything else about it before it’s ready.

I don’t think so, it was short yes but straight to the point. Annonced new IP and showed a little more of the upcoming games (except KH3).

I’m pretty sure Sony have some exclusivity with them so I expect to see more Square-Enix stuff tonight during Sony’s conference.

Someone I follow pointed out that titles we probably were expecting are being saved for other publishers. So Sony could have another KH3 trailer, Avengers project, FF7 (maybe, kinda doubt it) and Nintendo could have more Octopath and TWEWY’s Switch port? I think yea Square and in turn all of us, over hyped the hell

Because they’re incredibly stupid.

I just want to point out that you can reach the game’s official site via the url Congratulations to Devolver Digital for making the only “Make X Great Again” joke that I have ever found to be funny.

it’s the same think as oat meal, I don’t understand why people are so disgusted by this...

This is one of those games that I didnt know I wanted a sequel to but am super happy to get a sequel to

Now playing

Sounds a lot like the mobile game Hitman: Sniper, which was a surprisingly compelling translation of Hitman’s mechanics of level exploration and interaction to a mobile format. It’s you, a sniper rifle, and a set number of targets you need to assassinate who are attending a party at a mansion.

Sucks for you!

but it’s not lacking

plz go

Why no PSVR :(

I watched an hour of gameplay, and it felt generic.

Oh thank god, i was worried this game would come out

yeah no, just no...

Since when is a bow and arrow considered sci-fi? lol

The promise: to take an aging presentation format and make it dull.

I’m finding it kinda odd how “Microsoft delivered” on the works of other publishers, especially multiplatform ones. They didn’t really ‘do’ anything except showcase their (usually multiplatform) games as part of their presentation. Sorry if I sound super sarcy, it was just kinda odd to present it like that (IMO).

To be fair, a lot of these “promises” are just games with most of these games not even being exclusive thus they have no real promise to keep concerning them.