
Spoiler Warning

It’s bad writing 101.

Yes, but they are not women, so it’s not relevant.

Do you actually suggest that he deliberately portrays women in her games to be frequent victims of abuse simply because he has a deep desire or unconsummated need to abuse women in real life?

Men get treated like shit too. Ethan mars gets mentally and physically abused throughout that entire game. Most of the men in Beyond are abusive and violent or completely clueless. I’d say it’s about equal. Ethan even got his own shower scene!

... , exclusivity sucks.

They it’s inspired by Yellow(as obviously evident with the starters)

I agree! I think both of the team sumo games were better than the mario karts I’ve played. To me there’s just no comparing the sense of speed in the sonic games to any other kart racer. And the control feel, especially while drifting, is just right - it’s ruined me for other kart racers because I try them out and

Transformed was the best kart racer I had played in a long long time, so that’s exciting. But only for Switch...? :/

Uh I hate to break this to you but Pokemon has literally never been difficult. The primary demographic is pre-teens. Note that none of that is a bad thing and the games are plenty deep while being easy.

I was a programmer on the PSP port of this .. I recall thinking during development, “That is some good penis physics simulation.”

how the fuck did he change gaming?

In my opinion, it seems you along with Polygon have some personal vendetta against David Cage. Your review turned me off because of how downright nasty you were throughout most of it, filled with disdain and almost what seemed like disgust for David Cage. As someone who adored Heavy Rain and still plays Beyond 2 Souls

Yeah, every hero shooter has that one guy in full plate metal armor that wields a retractable, rectangular blue energy shield.

I think it goes beyond simple ‘comparisons’. It’s a straight up clone aesthetically and in some cases mechanically (at least it was when it was first unveiled as a reskin a while back).

I was quite annoyed that the gaming press didn’t seem to care about it.

I still hate this game.

Despite being a big fan of Hideki Kamiya, I never really liked the first Devil May Cry, which is the only one I played. When The Devil May Cry reboot was revealed, I thought it looked pretty bad, but I played the demo anyway.

Thats just horrible. I cant even leave my house to the supermarket without showering!

So now they finally finished making the game? Lol. All they needed was another 2 years in development to release the game as intended.

What am I doing wrong as a female gamer that always plays a female character to not get offered free goods for services?!!