
At this point they really just need to bite the bullet and make this game free to play.

Somehow getting a “Tales of” vibe from this opening and I’m loving it! Excited for this game!

True. It works for Apple.

Its better in every possible area but the story.

Interesting - I didn’t know that at all. That makes a lot more sense then for her voice. Which by the way thanks to today’s daily music I’m listening to a playlist of hers - forgot how much I enjoy her music.

I mean, they should probably do that anyway

Definitely the weakest title in Bioware’s history. Half-baked brain-dead combat, repetitive level design, the cheesey way it would materialize enemies behind you... and the graphics were somehow a step back. Maybe the only real example of Bioware ever rushing a game out the door.

Now, Dragon Age is pretty badass.

so if sony spent time and resources helping RE7 become vr compatible, they should just let them release to all VR platforms immediately and recieve nothing for their work?

even if they do generate some sales

quit dont have friends

People are still playing Paragon? Its boring as all hell and terribly slow. If you want a 3rd person moba smite is far superior.

Except she doesnt have that right if the platform she wants to stream on doesn’t allow that.


Just finished my free month that came with purchase, and have basically had no life outside of work and Eorzea. Haven’t played an MMO in a long time, add the fact that it’s all Final Fantasy stuff and it’s been a deadly combo. After a foot injure that kept me hobbled for a weekend, a plague-like cold the next, and

Just got back into the game about a week ago after a year and couple of months hiatus. Just got through the rest of ARR content that I needed to do so now I will be starting Heavensward. Looking forward to gettingg caught up on everything. New patches were always the best, but I know I have a ton of content to still

I love, love, love the Sophia battle music (Containment Bay P1T6).

I can’t believe people are still paying bungie for content that should have been in the base game. There are so many other games out there offering better content and better value.