
The downside to this is having to own a WiiU. *badum TISH*

There were user-controlled cameras well before RE4 came out. RE4 just popularized the over-the-shoulder viewpoint. I love RE4, but you’re giving it too much credit.

Legally they’re in the clear as long as they weren’t stupid enough to literally use assets and code from Overwatch.

I would love me some more Bloodborne though, I enjoyed that setting more than Souls. The lovecraftian atmosphere was far more chilling than Souls ever got to be in my opinion.

Ugh, who cares? I hate when modders do this petty shit. You’re all fucking with someone else’s code anyway. You don’t own any of it.

I guess I’ll be the weirdly non-cynical person here.

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

Actually, this is very bad QA. Standard practice is to have a “Loser Playthrough” where you need to check off every situation in which a player can “lose” and how the game reacts. It is equally (if not more) important as playing through the game well, since it tests things which would otherwise go untested since they

That seems like a silly oversight. Last time I did QA we were given a excel file with all the dialogue and had to go through and check each line off one by one to make sure they appeared correctly. And if we couldn’t trigger it we would have to ask for the conditions or debug it on to the screen.

I think it looks okay, but I don’t understand why it needs to be called Metal Gear.

I jog about a 5k in the morning and tried this when it first came out. Didn’t work hardly at all and I’m not fast, possibly because of all the twists and turns on my route. Annoyed me enough that I haven’t touched the game since.

Lara Croft did it first.

Your character must have gone to the same ladder climbing school as Lara Croft.

Anybody who pre-orders or plays on day 1 is a sucker regardless of the game.

Looks equally as shitty.

Sooo bad like your comment

Probably licensing issue with the music they use throughout the game.

Are we sure this is not Condemned 3?

No. no it’s not. It plays bad, the story is bad, the graphics weren’t the worse but given this was the game that id was using to push their “megatextures” or whatever and it came out looking worse than traditonally textures games it got a lot of hate for that. It doesn’t even really have a proper ending. It just kinda

I absolutely hated R.A.G.E. To this day, it remains the sole reason why I no longer pre-ordering titles.