
And here I am still not giving a dark shit about amiibos.

I’ll be honest, I used to be one of those people who felt uncomfortable around gay people and I admit, I was probably very discriminating towards gay people but after the past five years or so, I corrected my self. Gay people are people, and most of them are cool. If they want to get married, I’m glad they have that

Still stupid. I don’t get why they don’t have the expansion seperately, WITHOUT the core game. Especially if it’s a digital download. It’s ridiculous. 50 bucks so i can get a character slot? that’s insanity.

I think they are mad that they are paying $50 for an expansion with a questionable amount of content, BUT the original game is bundled into that price, and they’ve already paid for that. It’s like the expansion might be worth $30, but the company tries to justify $50 by bundling 2 games, but if I already own the

Oh fuck the original source material. People need to take that giant stick up their asses and judge the movie on its own merits... ok, the movie still looks kind of bad but on its own merits!

Now playing

Not really. They literally dropped a bomb on FF14, A Realm Reborn is essentially a sequel and a remake of FF14 at the same time. In fact they ended the original in such a way that it could be mistaken as a ending cut scene (though it essentially was). This video was seen by every single person logged in at the time

“Don’t. Preorder. Video. Games.” Do you live in a rural area that people barely go to the local Gamestop by any chance? It’s not as easy to get a game on launch as you think when you live in higher populated areas so preordering is really the only way you can ensure your copy on day 1.

Or, rather than telling people to stop preordering, you could tell them to do it for the right reason.

I’m not even buying this game until the GOTY version. Never again, WB.

Right. But if you research on this article properly, like you should, you’d knew that’s a Nova skin and not an Amazon hero. Also, it’s treasure goblin.

Well, one thing’s for sure: the Ascians are dicks, but their endgame does sound like they’re trying to save the world, or at least the bigger picture thereof. It’s just that their method of doing so thus far has been “leave a trail of chaos and destruction a mile wide in their wake.”

Looks indentacle to the art direction from the team’s last two games.

Best MMO ever. Oh god I am stocked up on food and drink and cannot fucking wait. And I have early access so I am only waiting for friday :D

ok I never expected Shenmue 3 omfg lol

nah, no beyond good and evil 2.

We don’t care if it’s exclusive. We care that it’s being made!

Well Sony just Won, FFVII Remake and The Last Guardian...they just need to announce Shenmue 3 and the internet will explode to oblivion.

Is this real life?!

Seriously... How hard is a d-pad, MS?