
I will laugh at all the people who got this game on Day1 when I buy my Complete Edition for cheaper

I really like it, but I think the range is ridiculous. cut it in half and it’ll probably be better.

Good for you. But for some people, good graphics is also an important factor in enjoying games. There is no “correct” way to enjoy video games.

Which is great for you. That’s like me saying, “I’m glad the game doesn’t have colorblind mode because I would have no need for it.”

You can ALWAYS go with a team, but if you choose to, you could roll the dice and try matchmaking. Oh, wait... You CAN’T.

Hahaha! No team matchmaking.

Both doctors are also limb-replacment surgeons. Both have a connection to “phantom pain.” Both have a connection to Cyprus. Kojima may have found an actor who resembles the real doctor, but the in-game model looks much more like the real doctor than the actor does.

Except that, from the same cursory Google search, I gathered enough information to believe cyber bullying had a part on what was, on top of that, transgender bullying. Hiding the causes is akin to hiding what caused it and acting like the problem doesn’t exist, which makes the media an accomplice.

There’s a difference

For me, these sort of “skills” aren’t appealing because they are essential using parts of the game in ways that were never intended. I’m sure none of the MK8 team explicitly wanted people to use drift boosts like this, and it changes the entire environment of the game. Some people pick up the Mario Kart series because

That all sounds awful.

I love garlic, but in deserts? Madness!

“I can no longer be objective about this issue because you don’t like me.” That makes no sense at all. Either be a professional or GTFO.

Wow. You were seriously mad that the subtitles option was off and then had to turn it on? Get over yourself, that’s not the game’s fault.

Well, in-game, they don’t even hint at his orientation until long after his personality is established. They make you like him, play as him, get to know him... and then hint at it. To me, he’s not “the gay one”. He’s the “former thief” and “heir of Kung Lao”... with his orientation being one of many traits.

Her character is sexist. Even if she is doing it as satire, it promotes sexism in gaming. Gosh you feminists and your double standards >:C

Alt lede: The new expansion pack for Destiny, a video game whose existence is only justified by its raids, won’t have a raid.

Speaking as someone who gave up on Destiny before the “raids” even became a thing, and only came back for the hour and a half if took him to complete the Expansion 1 content, I just have to say...

You’re still in the early stages of the game—I’d say around 30, once classes like Lancer transformer into Dragoon or Rogues become Ninja. They hold off a bit until you’ve cemented your role, and then things start getting really interesting.

This looks cool

I played the first few missions of the last DLC until i got to a part where i was locked in a room fighting waves of enemies and when i died i had to restart the whole room.