
Disagree. Lion's face is full on "GTFO I KILL YOU NOW!" There is 0% "friendly" going on here.

Also happens to be a really fun game...

there are these things called vision wards and they let you see invisible things. I recommend giving them a try.

Alright, alright, alright.

Is this for real? Its called a skill shot for a reason....this has been done forever in many other MOBA’s. If Dota2 players are only now actually using skill shots to, you know, kill people, says alot about the ‘competitive’ playerbase.

He ends up with a ten-man killing streak that actually turns around the entire match for his team.

I want to play this so bad! But I'm waiting for all episodes to be released lol

Imprisonment for life, regardless of age, should be the result of this. It's an act of terrorism.

People are still wasting time with Destiny?

> Ditto for how Kirk and Spock first met, in Star Trek.

I'm inclined to disagree. Exclusives, I think, are far worse. Me, I have particular platforms I like to play certain games on. Pure exclusives force me to get content on platforms I may or may not want to play those games on. Timed exclusives, though? They tend to be about funding things I'd like to play, and at some

People complain about COD and other series releasing almost identical games but for the soul series and now bloodborn its only praise.

Does anyone else just find the dialogue kind of adorable? The plot and pacing and character development so far seem fairly solid, so I'm willing to take the "bad" parts of the writing as an endearing quirk.

It's a remastered PSP game. What do you expect?

It's an HD edition of a PSP game. What were you expecting?

It's a port from PSP (remember it?). So it's not a next-gen game but a demanded game by fans all these years. Its graphic is just similar to Xenoblade on a "next-gen" console, but with better characters' faces.

I feel that type - 0 could become the monster Hunter of Square-Enix. There just something in this game that reminds me of MH

Now playing

as much as I respect the classic I still prefer the remake version of the sleeping bag kill

He's bisexual. He has a child from a former gf, but also prefers sleeping with guys. He looks so fuckable.