
It's the best content that only 1% of their 3million players have access to because Bungie decided to not included matchmaking for stupid reasons...

Now playing

No Klicky Clackers? Or sometimes just called Clackers, two hard balls that you slam into each other as hard and fast as you can -

Hey, I had Creepy Crawlers! Had no idea that they were dangerous or banned, however. And my best friend next door had Lawn Darts. I must've had a far more fascinating childhood than I realized.

The Skydancer was the first toy I ever bought with my own money. I saved up for months, and playing with it was just as satisfying as the commercials had led me to believe it would be. Sadly, she was confiscated by my mother after just a few weeks.

Oh, Kumamon, you card! If you aren't bungee jumping, you're creating an unholy pyre for the Lord of Flies!

Totally seeing the Agnes in this one:

I'm sorry, but the gloves piss me off. I get so annoyed by collectors. For example, every time I see a game sealed in its original box and sealed another 2-3 times with a card rating its quality, I want to buy it just so I can break it open and PLAY it. And record it. And post it on YouTube just for the lulz and

Funny but in that video the original looks way better! Just looks at the neon signs and the fog actually just wash away any details. The texture somehow looked more crisp too. All i saw is the random npc looked more detailed but the main characters looks the same and I would say looked better in the original because

After watching the comparison video, I can safely say I prefer the original version. The Definitive Edition looks like all it does is tone down the neon, makes everything slightly brighter and add a bunch of fog.

The Boss at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3. So many feels and then I broke down during the monologue after it ; ;

The original looks way better. Much richer contrast.

that said, destiny launch was FLAWLESS. the timer hit 0 on my ps4 and I hit play.

so Sony release one TV show and suddenly they are only focusing on TV? Who's the hypocrite here?

You should try reading the article and then commenting again.

The looming threat of being laid off while trying to get assigned to a new project.

dude you posted the same so good 3 weeks ago...

"I still haven't even come close to using my full power in this fight."

Now playing

What's all this? Everyone knows Goku is a little old lady. Skip to 1:25!

I never realized Sony owed you anything.