The world is far too crowded with people who vastly overestimate their own importance.
The world is far too crowded with people who vastly overestimate their own importance.
The broader perspective is capital making war on labor.
Go home.
I believe the letters “F-A-T-A-L-I-T-Y” will appear over you and the victim in some sort of dripping blood font.
At what point in the children’s game can we start physically attacking the other players for succeeding? I don’t know. That’s for the crying babies filling their diapers about it to decide I guess.
Hard to get on the kid for celebrating. Michaelangeli is, after all, a party dude.
I’ve been to a few Sharks games and you wouldn’t think the fans would be that knowledgeable or into the games or whatever because it’s San Jose/Silicon Valley but they’re some of the best fans in hockey. FWIW, I’m a Penguins fan.
They committed to it even when he congratulated the Sharks on a great season. I mean that level of focus should be commended.
All things even, Lebron is the one who put his balls on Green’s head. Very rarely do I agree with Barkley, but Lebron was asking for a cup check with the step-over.
Of course it’s bullshit. I don’t see Madison Bumgarner’s name on it.
Seriously. It’s interesting - I grew up in the Midwest, and geese there are considered pretty, and respected because of their rare tendency to mate for life with the same pairs.
Fuck geese. Goose is a trash bird. I hope it dies next time.
Sad Cavs fan is sad.
Steph Curry is 28. 28 backwards is 82. Steph curry is known for shooting, or Shooting Basketballs Accurately. SBA, translated to numbers, is 584. 584 plus 82 is 666.
Steph Curry is the devil.
LeBron James wears 23
And his nickname is Mo Buckets. The defense rests.
Oh my poor, poor Drew. There is nothing more wrong than this:
This whole series has been determined by the refs. Those who don’t see it are in denial or caught up in superficial storylines. In fact, before this game warriors have had driven the ball more, taken more shots within 10 feet and have had more success doing so, even including free throws. It’s what the refs allow off…
yes, he was penalized, flagrant foul HELLO