“I’m not Batman.” Hmmm...sounds suspiciously like something someone would say if they were trying to hide the fact that they are Batman.
“I’m not Batman.” Hmmm...sounds suspiciously like something someone would say if they were trying to hide the fact that they are Batman.
I’m really glad that this year, 4 of the top 5 players in the NBA are all in what is basically the semifinals, and can all conceivably win the Larry O’Brien Trophy. A few weeks ago, I was positive that all of the playoffs were irrelevant, except for what I assumed would be a Spurs-Warriors WCF- the winner of which, I…
Anyone who has played Words With Friends knows exactly how this works and I will MURDER THE NEXT MOTHERFUCKER WHO DROPS QI ON A TRIPLE LETTER TILE.
You know if it wasn’t for all that other stuff that made everyone hate him you’d almost feel bad, maybe even like him
Doesn’t matter how much of a jerk Kawakami is (per comments here) - unless York really is an oblivious moron, this is just rude bullying. He has to want to make Kawakami pay up in the first place, after all, and then he changes the terms of the bet he never had to acknowledge or accept in the first place (by making it…
I think Simmons is a fascinating case. Pioneered is a really strong word. But he was one of the first writers to start out blogging about local sports and pop-culture and parlay that into a national gig. And when he was the Boston Sports Guy, he was great. There was really not a lot like him out there. And then he…
I never cared for Bradley, but I certainly cannot disagree with this point.
That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.
Someone fuckin hates this guy
I heard “everyone is my pick”? And while doesn’t make all the sense it is way more adorable.
By the way, I wouldn’t call your exchange “fruitless.” It seems pretty clear that the Giants are more than willing to entertain the notion that the Washington team name is inappropriate.
I managed to watch the first three quarters of the Warriors game and the last three minutes of the Lakers game. That worked well.
You cynical fucks can go fuck yourselves, 60 points on 50 shots is literally the perfect ending to Kobe’s career.
-1/2 star for taking the joke too far and for missing ‘involved’
It’s “Cardale was denied access to AN proper English class,” you pretentious twat.
The Bulls team is built to play in an era of no zone defense. MJ’s Iso drives to the basket worked great, because opposing teams couldn’t crash the paint with their entire team. In ‘96 you ddin’t need outside shooting, because if you stuck Luc Longley or Dennis Rodman in the corner, his defender BY RULE had to guard…
“I’ve been proven not guilty.”*
He’s definitely getting a bigger contract than that.
This comment, and many others like it, is a perfect example of the point I’m making. “No,” says the wised-up internet user, “they’re not asking him to take a pay cut; they just want to pay him about half what he’s owed this year. He can earn the rest by playing another year, and working twice as long for the same…