I have about 30 icons there; you can also add buttons for macros, which is insanely useful.
I have about 30 icons there; you can also add buttons for macros, which is insanely useful.
He definitely would love the fucking attention, and he honestly might not be a worse coach than Lue and Blatt.
It’s not a stretch to say “poor-as-fuck child of Nigerian immigrants suddenly gets diesel after becoming a millionaire, moving to Wisconsin, and working out all day.”
We do not converse with the enemy. We do not con— Oh wait I’m sorry I got caught up in the partisan rhetoric. Holy shit Lindsey Graham you just talked like you had a direct connection to reality. There’s my hope and change for 2016.
He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But…
Is he supporting Cruz because he’s sure the Republicans are going to lose in the fall, and he think Trump will destroy the party completely?
I truly want to hate Calipari, I really do. But then I hear pompous fucktards like Coach K, Williams, and Boeheim spewing their bullshit and I don’t.
Nike Exec: Thanks for coming in today Steven.
These guys figured out this one weird trick. Neurologists hate them!
I hope this works. If the NFL can reduce kickoff returns by 5-10% then football will be a safe sport.
That’s the most epic burn from an ex-Niners’ coach since Tomsula accidentally used the linen setting when ironing York’s silk shirts.
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
“With the 29th pick in the 2016 NBA draft, Gregg Popovich personally selects Taurean Prince, Baylor.”
Still salty from the playoff game I see. Belichick is not only renting space in Harbaugh’s head, he’s rearranged the furniture and painted the walls in Patriots colors.
You mean “One thing is Clear...”
One thing is certain: among 51-year-old hitters, Bonds is clearly the cream of the crop.
Jose Bautista is goddamned delightful and is part of what makes baseball fun to watch. I feel sorry for these unwritten rules clutching sandbags that can’t see that.
The breadsticks alone put them at least in the middle of the pack.
Bonds' 762 should have an asterisk beside it, and that asterisk should reference a note at the very bottom of the list, and that note should read "762 is greater than 755".