
I assumed it would be like this:

Imagine being on a team that is so good that you can go ahead and be 23 pounds overweight as a starter for the entire regular season, and then 6 weeks before the playoffs decide ‘OK, I guess I should try now’. Christ.

Her adopted last name is Organa, she was born a Skywalker.

Calling it now: the kid he smiles at through the fence is young Bruce Wayne

I think this this drive represents less that they suddenly got hot, and more the type of offense the Patriots would have gone to if they had wound up in a shootout. The Patriots played conservative all night up until this drive.

Watching Brady and Gronkowski is like watching Kareem’s skyhook; I appreciate how unblockable it is, but only on the inside.

He also had the misfortune of having his Father murdered by some extremist assholes when he was 20 years old so....I think Steve definitely has earned some good fortune along the way. As a player and a coach he’s always carried himself with modesty and an appreciation of his place on the NBA food chain

And to top it all off, he’s super nice. 

I actually sort of understand his reticence to come forward with information that would upset Lebron and his crew. If he was forthright, it would probably impact them giving him tips and that is how Caddies make the bulk of their money.

That explains my friend Jack BOOLEAN

It’s the union’s job to make sure its members are taken care of financially. And if you would have been willing to trust the owners to fulfill their end of the bargain in a “smoothing”, then you’re a fool.

This, this, this. Stuff like this:

Yup. Everyone is piling on Cousins and the Warriors today, but when you look around the NBA the last few seasons the story has been more players with the ability to make better good deals or players on the better end of a bad deal. Fuck, Paul George celebrated a big contract that keeps him in godofrsaken Oklahoma

The lack of smoothing most definitely lead directly to the Durant signing. For other teams, it led to spending $17 mil annually on Evan Fournier.

This reminds me of the book Positively Fifth Street, written by a guy who was doing a magazine piece on the Binion murders but happened to be in Vegas covering the trial during WSOP and wound up finishing fifth in the tournament that year.

It’s rumored Maria’s writing her character to be the ante hero.

The Rockets are the answer to the question “what would it take to get me rooting for the ruthless inevitability of another Warriors championship again?”

Divorce yourself from hating the success of the Warriors and the colossus they’ve built, and it’s just such beautiful basketball.

Hot take: I would hire a conservative writer (if I was in the market for one) who actually said women who have abortions (and the doctors who perform them) should be jailed and/or given the death penalty.

Because that writer is actually being honest about the conservative point of view toward women and their

i occasionally pull up this clip to watch/listen to just because of how awesome the prince solo was. never gets old.