great idea, unless your wife’s idea of cooking is a frosted mini wheats with chocolate milk.
great idea, unless your wife’s idea of cooking is a frosted mini wheats with chocolate milk.
this is little more than a thinly veiled journalistic hand job for nyc.
The required, for any article about Chipotle, authentic mexican food comment.
If it’s 3rd down, or 4th down and the offense is going for it, you stand. I don’t care if it’s two 1-8 teams on a Thursday Night, get off your ass.
no audio = clickbait.
So HE’S the one Viqueen fan who doesn’t live in his parents’ basement.
is that on top of or instead of their scholarship?
Airbed is $20.80, not $8.
Airbed is $20.80, not $8.
“The issue did not impact data for teams, leagues or rosters.”
waving at people getting kicked out of sporting event = internet tough guy.
imagine that. a company in business to not only make money but also implementing new methods of doing so.
Now I understand why she is trying to “stop the push to get the video released.”
A retractable roof is little more than a panty shield on the sucking chest wound of having to drive to Arlington (from anywhere other than the mid-cities, SW Dallas, or SE Fort Worth).
Toss up between BOSOX 2004 WS win and the Gynts beating the Pats. But last night is RIGHT there. All that talk about how GS is the new greatest team ever because they won 73 reg season games. They’re but a fart in the air.
good for briles. baylor thought he was some kind of yokel and he broke it off in their ass.
so over the term potus.
maybe now texans will forget about the irrelevance of ryan vs ventura. yeah, i don’t think so either.
the joke is on people who see this movie, hoping to laugh.
depressing, really?
depressing, really?
for the love all things holy, the left lane is for passing. if there is no vehicle to your immediate right or if you aren’t in the process of over taking a vehcile, move to the right.