Are we allowed to wish this guy gets super herpes, from his mistress. And then has to explain it to his wife and kids. In public. As he’s having to resign from his job.
Are we allowed to wish this guy gets super herpes, from his mistress. And then has to explain it to his wife and kids. In public. As he’s having to resign from his job.
Spot on, especially Jerry Fucking Jones.
I froze when I read this.
OP, he gets it.
Original commenter, that guy, gets it.
Wonder what he’d think if I came to his house and just took shit from him under the same premise.
Cool story, bro.
As I noted above, I think Mango Unchained, also makes a fine flavor name.
Um, no. Trumplethinskin or Mango Unchained, way better.
No, he said it. Apparently the immigrants from Mexico, do nothing but take American jobs and rape women “at levels no one has ever seen before.”
Answer is CRACK PIPE. As a Benz owner, same engine in my ML350, it is just a matter of time before it starts leaking from the oil cooler. If it was repaired once, it will probably need it again, if it doesn’t already.
I just immediately call BS. There’s no way that the mustang isn’t beating this car down the strip consistently. Where the Kia might be a quick car, a mustang it is not.
In another country...
*internet high five*
The tow truck driver is a fucking idiot. How are you not putting straps on that car to get it off the track, and then, straight up the embankment? Seriously, it isn’t rocket surgery.
Queue Hammond comments in 3,2,1...
I know a lot of movies that start off like this, but the people in them are not nearly that good at skating
I thought it was “a very uncomfortable place.”