
Well, since most of them are heartless and brainless ass puppets for the NRA, good luck hitting a vital organ.

Take your star and get out.

You mother fuckers stole our roll20 campaign idea! Only, I wanted at least 3 bass lutes. No one liked that idea.

While I was in Detroit last year, I somehow avoided a car/wheel swallowing pothole on 96. Immediately after that spot and for a mile afterwards, there were cars on the shoulder with blown tires, some with both wheels on a side. I counted at least 20 cars that were claimed by that sarlac pit.

You get a star for this.

Can we get this stateside please. I need to be able to take my birds cross country to falconry meets quicker than driving. It needs an adaptation for hawks, some sort of raised back. Falcons shit straight down, hawks can shoot it out several feet.

This is driving me to want to finally finish this. I’ve grown tired of the Destiny 2 grind already, and never finished Witcher 3.

Then make sure you and everyone you know is doing something to change it.

Sounds like there needs to be another position added, time for a CMS change in the fall...

Browns of the playoffs?

All of the things listed above, are what made me love this movie.

I had an event I was invited to, February of next year that I was going to go to in Alabama.

Comment. Of. The. Day.

Can you imagine having to see that mopey ass face every Sunday, Monday or (I fuckinghate non Thanksgiving) Thursday games, for 17 weeks as an announcer. I would rather hold JPP’s fireworks for him.

My wife and I have quit talking to a majority of her family. I personally quit talking to her father 7 years ago, his position after the election last year didn’t help his cause. Her brother has been completely removed from our lives after attacking myself, her friends and then his own sister on social media. His

I don’t know, the sound of my old Honda Interceptor 800 with my Laser exhaust on it (at a slightly illegal 102db at full throttle)was pretty damned nice.

Oh, it’s Monday and the Village Idiot spoke again. Head.Desk.Smash.Repeat.

Seems pretty close to how I see the future state of the U.S. when controlled by the ultra right Christian base.

Some times, I shouldn’t watch the video. This was one of those times.

You forgot “my black friend...”