
whoa. just whoa man. Are we calling out any rwd volvos as bad winter cars? They might be terrifying to a passenger but for the driver I have never driven anything more utterly predictable. In all fairness mine was a wagon for extra weight on the rear and a turbo petrol engine so maybe it was more manageable and easier

Hunger Games. I tried at my daughter's encouragement but it was just too juvenile. That being said I really have a hard time not finishing a book, even if its bad. Knowing that I try to make sure that I will enjoy a book before I start it. Read excerpts to see the writing style, get reviews to see if generally it is

I was like 12.. I got to the chapter called Vespers and just gave up.. Not enough action for me i guess

I am not sure if it qualifies as classic but I started Stephen R. Donaldson's "Lord Foul's Bane" three times before finishing it. It takes a few chapters of an unlikable primary point of view character to get going, and shortly after it does an unsavory (thankfully undetailed) rape scene occurs which is very

Sounds great until you realize the LA river is about 1 foot deep and most of it is hobo urine.

I read someplace that iOS users spend more money in apps than android or winphone users. That's why they "forget" the userbase...

You mean "hidden" on Vader's home planet, with his family, still with his name? You're only making my case for me. Obi-Wan was awful.

Good News Everyone!

Is this a Portal testing facility?

Marvel's Odin.

Hardcore Narcotics, bitch!

Tenzin spends more time navel gazing and living in Aang's shadow than actually coaching Korra through the disasters she helps create.

You nailed it with your picture choice. Moved to Tattooine to be close to Luke AND TAUGHT HIM NOTHING FOR 20 YEARS BEFORE TRYING TO SQUEEZE IT ALL IN A FEW DAYS!!! It should have been 20 years of the Jedi equivilent of "Wax on, wax off" so when the time came he'd realized he'd been training his entire life.

Mentoring is not one of his particular set of skills.

Hogwarts struck me as a convoluted way of culling the wizard population.

Dumbledore. Put terrible teachers like Snape in charge of children. Always seemed cool with putting teenagers in mortal peril.

Are we sure he's not really Sith? Oh sure just leave the emotionally damaged Jedi Messiah's mother as a slave, that couldn't possibly have any implications later on.

Did you read? Patriachy gave me the tools to hurt people. I made the decision to use them. Nobody was encouraging me to be rude or hurtful, I reaped no reward for it except an internal feeling of satisfaction when I made myself feel better using those patriarchal tools. I'm not sure why people are here flailing

There's nothing to deny in your first paragraph, that's history and the present.

HOWEVER. This article above suggests that Jennifer Lawrence has "misplaced" blame for women's shitty behavior toward eachother. The blame should be placed largely on 'patriarchy' which is utter and complete bullshit. If you want to

I for one, welcome our alcohol serving-robot overlords.