
It would be poetic justice if he starts building the fucken wall, asks Mexico for payment, then Mexico says “We don’t need to pay you; you got paid in so much publicity, believe me. You made so much!” the way Trump talks to his creditors.

Aside: peckerwood is a racial slur? As a kid (the only time I ever heard or used that word) I assumed it was something to do with a penis.

The advice I got was to just avoid unpasteurized cheeses, so I ate all of the cheeses mentioned above, occasional deli meat (from the fancy deli), had a glass of wine occasionally in the second half of my pregnancies, and practically mainlined spaghetti carbonara (undercooked eggs). I have three kids, and they all

Most of the listeria outbreaks lately have been things like frozen foods and produce, which made me more relaxed this time around. I’ve spent 38 weeks eating lunch meat, tuna, and (pasteurized) cheese.

But...everyone should talk to their doctor, do their own research, and make an informed choice. Listeria has been discovered in many foods that are not on the restricted list (spinach, ice cream, hummus), so it’s impossible to avoid completely. A woman could reasonably decide that she is fine with eating deli or

most of the cheese in the us market is pasteurized. this includes feta, gorgonzola, brie etc. especially if its amreican made. basically if its made in the USA its fine, the worry for listeria are european imports b/c they don’t pasteurize milk as standard practice.

Maybe the “Clinton advisor” should direct his anger at Anthony Weiner & James Comey?

I think you mean Lindianapolis. Using Linda is just for people with problems with multi-syllable words.

Shut up, Linda.

There’s no chance that wasn’t on purpose. Pro-level shade.

...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

This is just terrible.

Did I ever tell you guys about this one time when it was almost Christmas time, and there I stood in another line trying to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood. And standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously, pacing around like little boys do. And in his hands he held a

What are journalists? You mean news celebrities?

Well, the joke’s on them, because I’m going to start wishing everyone Feliz Navidad.

As far as I’m concerned, Kurt Eichenwald and David Farenthold were the only Real Journalists doing Actual Journalism this election, only to be mostly ignored by people and other media in favor of #omg!emails!

You do understand that this show is just an excuse for lots of 30s and 40s somethings to jill it (and jack it, 2016 after all) to the Stamos, right? It’s like Baywatch for Stamos fans.

This show looks terrible and I’m not planning on watching it but...daaaaaaaaamn. Stamos can still get it.

Oh, so NOW Yertle the Turtle is willing to entertain the probability of Russian interference?

Um... The punctuation makes this weird O.o