
They are totally real. I follow the fluffy one in the chair on Tumblr. His name is Marcel le Corgi, and he photographs very well.

I find that among my friends, the more fluently you speak German, the more terrified you are about Trump, because speaking German as an American fluently correlates pretty darn well with a deeper knowledge of German history. If all you know about Hitler is what happened in 1944, the comparisons do sound hysterical.

My father has believed since the 70's that some unspecified entity has been suppressing an engine that runs on water. He was a mechanic for most of his life. He’s also a moron.

She’s not going to complain because she’s not a liberal, but she does want you to know that only 25% of the interview made it to air. Not that she’s complaining.

Best take away: “I don’t see color.”

And this is the worse gaslighting I’ve seen. Using a question about sexual assault to “make news” ... at a NEWS conference. Did she think the girl didn’t really want an answer to that very pertinent question?

Never forget.

Perfectly coiffed hair? Girl, I guess.

My family hosted an exchange student from Sweden when I was a away at college and my brother was a junior in high school (he needed a friend, said my mother). He was (is) a seriously smart, astute, observant person who had already traveled all over the world. Shortly after he arrived I was headed out to do some back

The other theory about his tweets is that they set the stage for what he intends to do: If he tweets about voter fraud, prepare for the push to restrict voter rights. If he tweets about flag burning, prepare for the push to restrict free speech.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, SHE’S FUCKING TROLLING US! She’s co-opting feminist language specifically to prevent us from criticizing her actual statements. Now we’re talking about Joe Fucking Scarborough when what we should be talking about is the fact that she is struggling with the fact that Donald Trump is Donald

Yeah, I’m with the men on this one. How is criticizing her for what she said sexist. They didn’t say, “Hey a lady shouldn’t talk back to her boss.”

As a humble (and fascinated) computer science major at a tiny community college in Asheville, I can say that there is enough evidence to at least look into it. There are unusual coincidences, anomalies that have happened (more unusual than anything McCrory is bitching about) that could either a) be evidence of

Yeah, I don’t see any real evidence, either. But my personal take: I don’t think there’s any harm in doing a recount (provided it’s paid for, and done by Dec. 19th). I don’t think it’ll do any good, frankly. I don’t doubt that maybe there are a few thousand votes off either way, but not enough to flip a state, much

Plus women are so fragile. Always complaining. Getting their feelings hurt on Twitter. Offended by theater people. Sad.

aren’t we glad we didn’t elect some WOMAN who would be worried about her appearance all the time instead of concentrating on her job?!!!

I understand your frustration, but you cannot use this kind of thinking. It’s the exact thing that both sides have been accusing each other of, and by doing so, you make their accusations true. If you make 10 arguments, all of them moral and correct, except one includes an falsehood that you knowingly put in to push

“I will not tell you that...Tiffany’s...are my central concerns in life,” the mayor said.

Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.