That is really nice. Also telling that instead of first expressing concern for the safety of all involved, Trump attributes the act (w/out evidence) to supporters of his opponent. Trump is so dangerous.
That is really nice. Also telling that instead of first expressing concern for the safety of all involved, Trump attributes the act (w/out evidence) to supporters of his opponent. Trump is so dangerous.
Rather confused message, there. Why would one use a Nazi symbol to try to scare folks one’s equating with Nazis?
The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.
“Dad, my friend died and I really need some support from family right now”
maybe not that, but clinton calling him a “millionaire” at the debate and not a “billionaire” seemed like shade to me.
That was a classic lawyerly smack down; something they live for. Legal bitchery at it’s best.
It was right up there with “I shouldn’t have said half. That was wrong.”
Like, he literally said something to the effect of “I don’t know if you’re actually complimenting me or not...” lol The whole thing was a hilarious mindfuck she played on the entire family.
THANK YOU for including the Hillary Clinton one. People seemed to be so confused thinking she actually/genuinely complimented his children. Like, no. They were her props in that moment. She knew it; they knew it; we knew it; the audience (who chuckled) knew it. Hell, people not even yet born knew what she meant.
Aw honey Donnie wouldn’t touch your pussy with Christie’s hand.
Just remember, Schilling is worried about trangender men going into bathrooms to molest young girls, but not about wealthy straight men imagining future banging 10-year olds. This man has his priorities straight!
It saddens me that, barring disbarment, I probably have a solid 30-40 years of practicing law ahead of me, yet I’ll almost certainly never be able to write a letter calling anyone defamation-proof, let alone a candidate for the presidency.
His burn at the end was great too.
Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
“He looks like what happens to Cabbage Patch Dolls when they grow up.”
Maybe her response is banal, but the challenges she faced to get to the point of dressing her kids up like pumpkins certainly can’t be compared to Blake Lively et al.