
To: rslwn

Was my point really this unclear?

This is one of those Picture Worth a Thousand Word moments:

“After all, we all have to look at him.” Classiest shade ever.

To be fair they tried to give him a double-breasked jacket but he couldn’t stop laughing, grabbing at the air, and making honking noises.

Oh my god, he looks like a flasher lurking outside a woman’s bathroom.

He looks dumpy and his ass looks like a burlap sack filled with snakes.

Well for one thing, it’s hard to find fire retardant material that hangs properly. Then there’s covering up the cloven hooves/wings/horns, etc. You ain’t hiding all that unless you’ve got a tailor on permanent staff.

So, congrats to the Clinton campaign’s foreign policy spokesman, tonight. No, really.

Rudy Giuliani is so progressive on women’s issues he’s fighting for rape victims who claim not to be victims.

Meme of the week. Partially because I can hear it perfectly in my head.

Exactly. It’s not only the presidency that is at stake here. It’s Congress and the Senate. This is the GOP unhitching the Titanic that is Trump and clinging onto the life boats. If the Democrats win not just the White House but the other two things, oh, we are going to some major, MAJOR changes in the next four years.

Yup. I don’t agree with all of Cuban’s opinions, but he’s a smart, decent guy, and unlike Trump, he’s truly both self-made and a billionaire.


If it is possible/real Mark Cuban will absolutely make this investment. I have never seen someone get so much glee out of the demise of Trump except maybe Hillary.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

“I’m going to play devil’s advocate here, because I am actually an advocate for the devil.” - Scottie Hughes (probably)

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

In a recent study, over 40 percent of parents agree or strongly agree that vaccines played a part in the development of their children’s autism.

In a recent study, over 40 percent of parents agree or strongly agree that vaccines played a part in the development of their children’s autism.”