
History is written by the winners. Losers are automatically assigned the role of “bad guy” - historically, the Nazis weren’t worse than any number of groups, and were real pikers when it came to the body count in comparison to 20th century Marxists.

Isn’t education the responsibility of Parents, schools, and finally peers?

The Mongols were the bad guys too. So was Alexander the Great, Oda Nobunaga, The Colonial British Empire, and the Aztecs.  Were they the biggest villains of WW2?  Probably (although I would say Stalin gave Hitler a run for his money) but to act as if the villainy of historical forces isn’t overlooked all the time in

Dude what? It’s a fucking game. You aren’t commiting crimes against humanity you’re commanding fake armor divisions in a military game.

Plants live and breathe too. Your boundaries are arbitrary.

You people are absolutely pathetic.
Trump killed the number 1 terrorist today, and a Democrat slut had to resign.
Oh but.... a 90% libtard shithole got their panties in wad. That’s newsworthy!
Right before the Red State Texans sent them home crying like it was Nov 9th, 2016

First common sense post in this thread.

Quality post

A sailor always knows another sailor from afar.

You know what...?...I apologize; to you, specifically. You’re right.

You really think she “handed them their ass”? Now you’re the one pandering down to her. Weaksauce, even for a teenager who was obviously over-coached on how to act and respond.

You guys ready to admit Ilhan Omar married her brother yet? Also, that her real name is Ilhan Nur Said? Her tweet indicates her father is Nur Said Elmi Mohammed. Her second husbands name is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi  (the one she married while still living with the ex husband and all the kids for 4 years). Which means Ahmed

Was this a stupid thing to do? Yeah, it’s kind of stupid and not funny. Is it a big deal and should he have to apologize for it? No. It’s ridiculous that we make such a big deal out of such dumb things.

Why *should* it be Valve’s responsibility to decide what people are not allowed to play?

As much as I hate Twitter, I would much rather tweet than talk to high school kids about anything, so on some level I sympathize with the governor.

Punching people for speech you don’t like is like, EXTREMELY facist.

Now playing

Age of Empires Definitive Edition will come to PC on Oct. 19, 2017, exclusively for Windows 10. A new trailer from Gamescom showed off the new 4k graphics, remastered soundtrack, and lots of good zoom.

Oh god, you know who the only gross person here is? You! Stephen A. Smith is a veteran reporter, spending years of his life doing actual sports journalism for actual journalistic outlets. He has spent years, on the ground, speaking to the individuals he is reporting on face to face, covering events, looking the

What a condescending article from the website that incorrectly declared the loss an “upset” a couple hours ago.