
God you people are insufferable, you really are. You are the most divisive, insufferable, intolerable, smarmy, whiny, bitchy, haughty, ignorant, and laughable people in the universe! You really, really, really, (three reallys) are! You push people away with your divisive agendas, your blatant attack on the white

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

I learned that you are clearly a misogynistic misogynist if you think anything other than misogyny caused this misogynistic mess. Don’t criticize Hillary’s perfect campaign, misogynist! Misogyny.

I love how salty you liberals get when things don’t turn out the way you wanted. Fuck everything and burn it to the ground! Argh, I’m so angry. Half the country has suddenly turned into a petulant 3 year old throwing a tantrum because mommy turned off Bubble Guppies.

Yikes, I hate Trump as much as the next guy but what is breaking one of the most sacrosanct J-School rules really going to do? What could possibly scare off his nutjob supporters? A tape of him dropping n-bombs? Please. His supporters have at least met a woman before.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

AND YET, he is not all that far behind if you only look at the popular vote!

I respect your comment despite everyone being completely rude to you..You are correct.

We sir, are in accord.

Considering your last insults were very brief in scope (and your point was very vague, at best), I do appreciate you spelling things out for me, now I “feel the Bern”, so to speak.

Just wow...You are a special kind of twat-waffle, aren’t you.

Oh shut up, really, just shut up now. You work for Gawker Media, have a little self awareness. Yes, this is internet shaming by the mob. It’s one thing to call someone out (because you should be accountable for the words you say in public), it’s another thing to do it from gawker media, the site that just got sued

This is what happens now huh? Someone has a different opinion and everyone seeks to internet shame them huh? “how dare you have a different opinion than the hive mind! Quick everyone write articles and tweetshame”. this isn’t news, this is a lynch mob for thinking differently.

When you’re salaried in the art field, there is no such thing as unpaid overtime. Stop using that phrase as if it is a relevant part of your argument. It isn’t, because the concept of overtime literally does NOT EXIST for these workers.