
It’s clear to me that the left loves censorship. Shocking that this announcement isn’t going over well at Shittaku.

Really? I’m shocked. /sarcasm

What a load of nonsense this all is.

Hey, fuck you. See? I can be a 12 year old too!

Does she actually think that, or is this just you projecting?

I don’t think you are in the actual minority here, you are just going to be in the minority on this particular site.

When normal everyday people come out in support of Donald Trump, not life-long republicans, I’m talking about people who aren’t with either party, this is the reason why, this backlash. This article, these reactions by so-called “progressives”. It’s one thing to be who you are and to speak out against threats of harm

Are you actually blaming the refs for Houston shooting poorly?

Kirk is the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.

I know the struggle of being a regular human. Just because I’m white, I don’t get handed a yacht at birth, no one is giving me a 6 figure job, I didn’t inherit an island full of gold either. I honestly don’t understand where this is coming from. Prejudice is wrong, but we ALL experience it and because we are flawed

You’re not the moral authority. You’re just another guy with an opinion. Lots of games may be idiotic or childish, but mass calls for companies to censor and/or remove content are far worse. Let the marketplace decide. If this guy sees his game do shitty and get mocked by the general public, you all win. That should

KC does complain a lot.

I’m sure, because you know everything.

So telling trespassing idiots loitering in the washroom to get the fuck out and having them laugh at you is “harassment”?

I guess none of you have had real jobs. Why not, instead of making this and everything in the world apparently about race, instead focus on the fact that no one wants to waste their time dealing with entitled bitches who think that It’s OK to show up 30 minutes after closing, when the employees are trying to get shit

You’re all leftist drama queens. You all actually believe that the sitting US President is a dictator who will kill us all. You believe this because the you are young, sheltered, coastal babies who didn’t get your way so you are lashing out at the millions of sane Americans who got this man elected and pretending that

Sounds like you don’t understand baseball or competition in general my guy. It’s OK, you’re probably an ex-Gawker blogger, but let me cover for you: He was pissed because dumb-ass Tim Anderson celebrated an incredibly easy feat that actually didn’t even matter because the catcher had just walked on a 3-0 pitch. He

Nick actually sounds sane, unlike the majority of you GawkerModoSpin soy boys and femi-nazis...

I hope you are being sarcastic. We should be trying to be less like Europe, not more.