
No you can’t dip-shit.

I’d rather be a dumb fucking dipshit than a brain-dead retard who thinks out of his smelly as like you. By the way, thanks for not refuting any of my points, soyboy.

WTF I love South Korea now!

I salute you. It’s rare to find sanity in any left wing blog comment section, but occasionally you find a diamond in the mound of feces.

I bet you’ve never heard a thing Shapiro has ever said that wasn’t regurgitated by a leftist media outlet. He publicly advocated for Ted Cruz in the primary by the way and has roasted Trump numerous times on his podcast.


If you met me in real life you’d wet your diaper boy. Lay off the internet tough guy act, it is tired as fuck.

LMAO I’m dying here. But that’s what I get for presenting what I felt was an extremely reasonable counter-argument against the far left throwing around the word fascist like it is piñata candy on a Gawker-media blog (even though Gawker media is technically dead, we all know the same people run the splinter sites). I

Hurl your pithy little insults all you want, one side is using actual violence (punch a nazi, bike locks, etc.), and the other side is using free speech to hurt feelings and mock, hmm, I wonder which is which? And I’m the imbecile? Your parents should be ashamed they conceived your sorry ass.

The general idea is correct. The regressive left has diluted the word “fascist”. The democratically elected president is not a fascist. A conservative Jewish commentator is not a fascist. A feminist (no matter how many condescending air quotes you use), is not a fascist. None of these people are shutting down free

So I guess Kobe being innocent isn’t even an option for you? What a load of horseshit.

And I really don’t want to hear the stadium location argument. The A’s stadium is in a shitty area too and their fans have shown up until very recently, before ownership officially committed to the multi-year rebuilding strategy

Give it a rest. Florida people are big babies. “Waaa, our stadium is in a shitty area” “waaa, we hate our owner” “waaa, no one wants to go watch games because it’s summer in south Florida”. Florida baseball teams have won far too much and you people don’t deserve it because you don’t support your teams. Tampa won with

Yes, fuck those guys who are trying to make good business decisions and not give an over-inflated contract to 32 year old power hitter JD Martinez. Let’s just hand that man a 10 year deal, never mind that he might fall off a cliff and start hitting .200 with 20 homers by age 37, only halfway into the deal. And all

If you were talking about just for this season, maybe. If you mean long term, get the fuck out of here. Rodgers is perhaps the best QB currently playing this game. He could probably go 8-8 with trash cans rigged to pullies. This team is trash right now without him and only him. We need better leadership willing to

I guess violent crime never happens in New York? Or would you all defend yourself with kittens and rainbows?

So, let me get this fucking straight here Hamilton Nolan, you are advocating taking out your misery on the people who, mostly, have worked hard, invested smartly, and provided opportunities to others? You realize that the “rich” aren’t all George Soros, right? They are business owners, investors, etc.? They might even

You’re welcome to your fantasies. They might help you survive the coming 2020 re-election.

I’m all for it.

No you massive erect prick, just, no. Little itty bitty liberals can’t take a fucking off the cuff remark, poking, prodding, trolling, something LaVar Ball is intimately familiar with. At least, I hope LaVar is trolling when he says that thievery is no big thing when you are swiping high end items from a business in a