
I can imagine you, wearing a pink unicorn shirt, sporting colored hair and a fedora. How was the Resist Fascism protest, Caitlyn? Did the 12 of you have fun? Was it fun to pretend like you are some kind of powerful social movement that will bring down the evil Trump machine?

Nice hyperbole there Chad.

You do know that poor white people are more prone to have violent encounters with the cops far more often statistically than minorities, right?

The way I see it, he put her to sleep and stopped her from making any more questionable choices. She’ll wake up with a headache, but that’s it. Now, that felony assault charge...that might be a problem for her....

Hey, buddy, I know you live in social justice land where you have unicorns welding battle axes and shit like that, but in the real world, cops come in all colors and nationalities. I know your side wants to divide us on lines of race and gender, but that won’t work here.

You kidding? Actions have consequences. Drunk or not, swing at a cop and you’re gonna have a bad time, regardless of your gender.

Also, preach about equality, sexism, rape culture, etc. and brow-beat a gender and preach about accountability for actions whilst you pass the buck, what about taking agency for yourself? What about doing your own part instead of expecting the world to change for you? Fucking millennials, you have no concept of what

You sound like a very pleasant person to be around....

Shut up you SJWs, ESPN has a clear policy saying stay away from politics, she violated it. I don’t want to hear shit from you all unless y’all defended Schilling too.

Crooked Hillary’s book is fiction, as is your review. The public isn’t buying this fake news (literally), just like the voters didn’t buy it last November. But hey y’all, keep whining in your hug-boxes.

It wouldn’t be a fire-able offense at GawkModoSpin, but it would be at any visable, successful, company that practices responsible journalism...

You guys are all funny.

You’re gross, disrespectful, and I feel sorry for your mother. You’re so short-sighted I’m shocked you can even see past your damn nose. You talk about privilege? How about your damned AMERICAN privilege? Huh?! You were given the damn fucking lottery ticket, you were born into the land of freedom. You can strive to

God damn does the artist formerly known as Gawker Media get some kind of sick satisfaction at hiring the most idiotic morons this side of the putrid pit that is the Bay Area? I could walk into a room if you, post up a pic of President Trump, and you would all devolve into snarling animals. It’s sad. You in the fascist

So, do I side with the assholes who throw bottles of piss and shit at me and beat me up for the crime of not self-flagellating over my whiteness? Or do I side with people who don’t do this?

Answer me one thing honestly please, is all of the content on this blog satire?

Oh god, you know who the only gross person here is? You! Stephen A. Smith is a veteran reporter, spending years of his life doing actual sports journalism for actual journalistic outlets. He has spent years, on the ground, speaking to the individuals he is reporting on face to face, covering events, looking the

Right! I mean, clearly everyone who stands against the regressive left is a horrible racist! Oh man, how does anyone not get that fact? Certainly sir, you are right on the money! I applaud your sound logic....

Completely agree, however, I want to point out that strictly from a football perspective, it makes zero sense that Kap isn’t on a team right now. He wasn’t Aaron Rodgers or anything, but last year he was a solid QB, ranked ahead of a handful of starters at his position statistically. He deserves to at least receive

Also, like another user said, I bet you are REALLY fun at parties eh? Most people are normal, and like to have fun around revealing the gender of their kid. Maybe you’ll have a better time in life if you spot taking all this shit so seriously?