
Can i have the original quote where a Ubisoft employee said that woman are too hard to animate?

"Toad/Yoshi have their own game, why not Peach/Daisy??"
I'm surprised this one got an easy pass

I've seen a lot of people saying they won't buy anything from Ubisoft ever again, and you're right that some of them are just lying to themselves, but it leaves a "stain" on Ubisoft without a reason for it. If/when Ubisoft releases content for the game, if its female assassins they will still be called sexist and only

I certainly hope not, on both cases, but as is i cant really count with her imput.

Am i doing it right??

No one has died, sure, but a lot of people are "campaigning" to shut down Ubisoft. And as for the free market , that would require "voting with your wallet" no? And like i said its not even a finished product, in fact we only saw a co-op mission if i'm not mistaken.
And regarding the disinformation, i'm not going to

How so? Borderlands 1 & 2 felt boring to me, but i'm curious about this one.

I agree with you, i just don't agree that this is "voicing our opinions". This is just lynching based on disinformation about an unfinished product.

Its double-standart bullshit. If a guy makes a comment about this whole Assassins Creed bullshit 9 out of 10 will be reprisal.

This week in Business: Lets lynch one of the more inclusive and diverse game companies out there because social media said we should and/or told us that the "excuse" was bullshit, and you know that "gaming journalists" are experts animators, programmers, financial advisors, public-relations managers, etc (read: full

I think they just want to cover the over sexualized character lol! Sneaky Nintendo!


Oh look , another "Dear diary" article by Patricia that will in no way result in a hate-filled comment section.

I'll just go ahead and wait for you to write an article that promotes female developers so that the community can give them support and maybe more games with gender equality can actually be made, you know,

"Kotaku is still on the ground at E3, so we'll continue to look into this issue as the day progresses.

Oh look, its this "article" again. Gotta keep that clickbait quota right?
I'll just go ahead and wait for Kotaku to write an article explaining that the "female character" was just a co-op skin for the other team members and not the actual player.

And the sad part is Bioware still gets shit for it "the gay character is so unrealistic", "why isnt every character gay/bi??","why is every character gay/bi??", "being a female character is bullshit because it doesnt change the story!"
Blame if you do and blamed if you dont.

So much this ^
Also want to add something, looking back at Ubisoft's attempts at diversity (Aveline and Connor) and the feedback they got, its no surprise that they decided to play it safe with the first "current gen" AC game, a game that needed to be made from scratch and its going to be the base for the next games

Not gonna lie, would be an instant buy for me.