You don't think Pewdiepie etc. get death threats all the time? Of course they do. The reason they're alive is they're just that; threats, threats made by petty children.
You don't think Pewdiepie etc. get death threats all the time? Of course they do. The reason they're alive is they're just that; threats, threats made by petty children.
HA! Spoken like someone who has has never been to the middle east. Most women out there can't even fathom being treated as fairly as they are treated here and in a lot of cases it's not even an idea yet, meaning the equal rights of both genders is such an alien thought that people except gender inequality as a product…
Extremism is perpetrated against women every day all over the world. When did the middle east get an exclusivity deal on that?
Please stop giving this person more attention... She's incredibly biased, loves to take things out of context and cherry picks while ignoring all examples that go against her personal agenda. She took a tonne of money from people and did barely anything with it, spent it on herself instead of doing the project…
I'm sensitive to this whole "gamergate" thing, and I feel for Anita Sarkeesian for all the online harassment, but even so I have to wonder if this is legit. I mean she's an internet celebrity, for crying out loud. Radical politicians and religious nut-jobs say things way worse than whatever she's saying and they don't…
It's funny how this situation mirrors the extremism perpetrated against women every day in the middle east. We view ourselves as so much more civilized and accomplished, but then people do things like this... hatred and bigotry, it seems, can't be contained by national borders.
No its not only her. But Kotaku has an agenda to push. The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then.
I honestly don't believe this. Like seriously, I don't believe it. I don't know if I've just been blind, but when has this happened for any other activists for any other kind of media? Why is it only games? Why is it only her?
Skooma is a hella drug.
Okay I did a joke one but my serious one is~
Psychos sending messages on the internet aren't likely to say such things in public. The mistake here, and what lets them 'win' is saying things like 'what is wrong with the rest of you?' They aren't the rest of anything. They are apart. They are the exception and the freak.