Edge of Blade

Please, stop being an obscure, whiny hipster-gamer. This trend is not stopping any time soon. In fact, I expect cinema to run out of Marvel franchises before we run out of run-of-the-mill shooters.

Why does having a "new engine" translate into anything positive? I'm sure the broken-ass big rig game that didn't even bother to implement collision detection was on a "new" engine, and that sucked ballz.

Or, you know, ask fanboys on a forum and hope you have any validity to the response.

You mean Kmart is still in business?

After playing Saint's Row, I came to the inevitable conclusion: driving in GTA sucks. Along the same lines, we should admit shooting in GTA sucks too. Either adopt a simple FPS arrangement, or...more likely... a Gears of War style third, to maximize cover play.

No... I think the way to make advergaming acceptable is to do it the exact opposite. Let it go crazy. In fact, this would be an awesome experiment to make a game that's so covered in ads... but the ads get no protection from the "game". Blood splatters on an ad, just like everything else. Need to blow a hole in

This argument is as stupid as the day it cropped up between smug PC players justifying the cost of their rigs and the console fanboys defending their cheap plug-n-play consumer tech. You're all rushing to defend something against people who don't matter.

Au contraire. I hope single-player conventions don't keep the multiplayer aspect from being well designed and good. I'm not going to be as fickle as most people here, and say "The multiplayer can go f**k itself, just so long as it doesn't hurt the single player." If they can make a good multiplayer mode, good on

That was a correction that everyone.... Everyone.... EVERYONE needs.

Let me read the lay of the tone of these comments and match my tone to theirs to introduce a certain amount of parity, so as not to rock the boat with provoking thoughts:

[Insert snarky blurb about PC superiority over consoles and how much money I spend.]

Quick and merciful? Damn, you found a flaw in my plan...

I think we should bring back hanging. And enhance it with chicken wire.

It could have been worse. You could have said "thank you"...

Blah blah blah... something about Link's unusually short sword....

Yeah, that's right. Let's focus on their character instead.

The answer is no. You have to baseline your rating standard somewhere, and new is the most "intentional" way to experience the game.

So awesome. I still maintain, as a primarily 360 gamer, that Infamous was the best thing to happen to PS3. Forget trying to court "X-bros" with derivative first-person shooters and tired (no pun intended) driving simulators. Power-trippy super hero games are lots of fun, especially when done so well.

X-Wing. TIE Fighter. XWAlliance. On XBLA. It should happen. Why hasn't it?

Yes, if politely taking turns beating each other over the head with nerf swords can be called an "arms race"...