Edge of Blade

"Taking back the streets" has never been so meta...

@Octopain: I noticed that too. Another set of L/R buttons...

This is highly unsafe. Just bears mentioning...

@LucasReis: You already have your star.

Xaby. For the buttons X, A, B, and Y. Or don't. Name him "Kick High Punch Low" for all I care...

@Octopain: I complained about the same thing, Octo. I felt like miniaturized console games were holding the PSP back. Two analogs... that aren't just nubs... will significantly bridge that gap, in my opinion.

@FakeOffice: Looks a lot like a DS card. No shame in that... I always thought disk media in a handheld was a lousy idea.

@smi1ey: Most importantly, each banning is handled case by case, not automated. There may be an automated system that helps flag people for review, but it's a human hand that pulls the trigger on a ban or a reset.

@Aibyouka-kun: I agree the attention is unwarranted. Actually, Microsoft was doing the one thing seemly no one else is: treating this kid no different from anyone else. I think MS is showing him more respect than his mother, to be frank.

@Aibyouka-kun: Ultimately, it comes down to your trust or distrust of Microsoft. No, not even that, because Microsoft has no reason to dick around with this. It comes down to whether or not you think Microsoft is evil and gets evil points for resetting autistic kids.

@-MasterDex-: Because his score got reset. Plain and simple.

@smi1ey: How do you know that's the criteria? It could be something as simple as having achievements for games he never played.

@bakagaijin: What mistake? I'm still waiting to hear what really happened, but I'm inclined to think they take issues like this pretty seriously. Because of what a big PR cockup a false positive could be, the enforcement team has to be above reproach.

@Kadin: No, it is not automated, and neither is any part of enforcement.

@Jawmuncher: It's policy not to release that kind of information. Still, I hope Microsoft stands up to his mother for being a piece of trash and calls CPS for exploitation.

What the hell people. He cheated or someone on his account cheated. It's plain as day. How many times can you whip out the "Micro$oft is Evil" line and expect it to stick?

@fuchikoma: I'm looking for Sony to pull off something cool, like an Kinect-like infrared array that tracks your face and, more importantly, your eyes.

@fuchikoma: Hey, I don't pretend to know what's going to happen, but using shutter glasses casually on a handheld has to be the worst idea ever.

@Eran: Then used game sales will continue. And over-sized development and marketing budgets will continue. And over-priced new games will continue.