Edge of Blade

Wow... that's actually a slick little game...

@FortWaba: I don't disagree that you are lucky... my wife won $150 on a scratch off. I then convinced her to quit so she could say she was ahead of the lottery.

@InGraphite: Case in point: Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor.

I'd love for the Daily Show to deal with unfunny Apple shills next.

"and come with a fancy magnetically-sealed Black Ops case"

@Last Face: Not in my opinion. If you win, you win huge. If you

@Slanzinger: I'd love to prefix my commands with "Jarvis".

@Godmars: If it's not sales, it DOES represent install base...

It's the British Library.

@Yokai: No way I would camp out any stretch of time. I didn't even

@HungerSTGF: I'm really getting sick of snarky idiots spreading the

@Yokai: You trolling is no longer necessary.

I think we would be better served by developing octocamo instead of stuff like this.

@dowingba: I did see an Eyetoy set up. They had it on the end of a row of games, with the player standing in the eisle, hitting everyone with their arms. You're right, it doesn't bode well for Kinect being demoed either. They would have to wall off a section or put up drop cloth to keep things separate.

@Shandy706: Kinect ID: "I'm sorry I can't recognize your face with those MW2 night vision goggles."

@dowingba: You'll get to before long... if the stores can manage to give it any space...