
@fatfrank72: The one problem with being from Texas is all the people who aren't really from Texas but live up these ridiculous stereotypes so they can go around to other states and tell people they're from Texas.

it seems particularly unlikely that this is intentional on the hunters part.

I was under the impression that 'pure' air particles had previously been captured over the ocean

As if we needed any more proof that dogs are better than cats

@SG-17: That's silly.The probablistic risk associated with terrorism events is extremely small.

@SG-17: y'know, 3MI never actually killed anyone...

"the birthplace of terrestrial nuclear power, the eventual doom of humanity."

@PurpleHeezy: Gene was spot on with why I felt this post was necessary. But I'd like to add that a RAW photo has been processed through an analogue-to-digital conversion process between the image sensor and the storage medium (this is necessary as modern image sensors only record an analogue measure of the incoming

Anything you can do to a photo digitally with photoshop and the like can also be done with analogue post-processing, even something as simple as how the image is developed from film, or transferred from RAW to a 'finished' format can significantly alter the appearance of the final image.

If that was /actually/ all it did, then yea. However, over the last several years, the phones that used to be 'entry level' are becoming 'messaging' or 'feature' phones which have all kinds of other junk apps, useless demos and a crappy camera that must be avoided or navigated around, turning a phone that is really

M Night Shyamalan is the devil, but it's not a cameo, it's real life.

I wouldn't even pay that much for an /actual/ movie, why would I pay that much for this?

@fxsoap: They probably knew at some level, but believed it to be a minor issue until after the Reach launch when a lot of people started complaining.

@McWeary: too early/too little information to say what form the customization features will take.

@McWeary: I think the Node/Aspect/Network structure of Diaspora offers lots of options for additional features and customization inherent to the structure that facebook just won't be able to replicate, at least no easily. The article mentions at least one such advantage, because each person hosts their own node on the

@NovaDeez: Microsoft doesn't really control the launch of Bungie titles. This is an issue effecting a number of games including Halo ODST and apparently Burnout as well, so it's not like pushing back the release date would have that much impact even if they could.