
>and arguably Hitler

"one million"

I understand the difference. Although, to the ancient Egyptians and etc. Their superstitions probably seemed at least as 'real' as science.

"the United States grand plan to dispose of the nation's nuclear waste in Nevada's remote Yucca Mountain melted down in political rancor like... well, kind of like a nuclear plant melting down."

Makes me think of the pyramids and ancient curses.

"Why don't we"

"You can do this by saying "Officer, are you detaining me, or am I free to go?""

Eight planets is fine. In fact, it's more than fine. Eight is obviously the right amount of planets. What does that upstart HD 10180 system think it's pulling having nine planets, huh? that's what I'd like to know!

"In case there weren't enough spectral big cats barreling through the world's metropolises..."

The Alcubierre metric has other, somewhat more fundamental problems.

I am disappointed that despite all these fantastic Neanderthal/Early-Human crossbreeding articles, there's still only the one article tagged 'naughty neanderthals'.

Although, to be fair, at least she calls herself 'root' instead of some h4xorz cliche like 'ZeR0 C00l'. Reminded me of Cryptonomicon, which is never a bad feeling/

This seemed like one of the weakest episodes so far to me. The fight choreography in the beginning was not up to par, and the '1337 h4xorz' was a bit much considering how restrained the show has been regarding it's computery premise up till now.

Obviously not, but that doesn't have much to do with how best to secure them.

Think of it like this: A plain-text (unsecured) database is as easy to compromise if it contains a bunch of comment forum usernames and passwords as if it contains launch codes and targeting information for nuclear weapons.

The stakes are meaningless in determining the scale of the problem and have no effect on what security practices are beneficial.

This is basically equivalent to the 'full disclosure' debate in computer security. Is it better to disclose flaws that may be used by hackers to craft viruses or steal databases, or to keep the information private, making it more difficult for software developers to patch the vulnerabilities and making vulnerable

Where is the clip? I can't see it apparently.

Actually, moon spiders sounds pretty awesome. I was not planning on seeing this movie ever, but if it's got moon spiders, then I may have to get it on netflix or something.

"America's favorite board game"