
The universe tried to kill Rory once, it exploded.

The universe tried to kill Rory once, it exploded.

Water treated via reverse osmosis is so pure it is suitable for use in industrial processes requiring pure water (not just 'purified' water, but actual pure water, that is H2O molecules and little else) such as semiconductor fabrication which must be performed in clean-rooms.

Rare Earth elements are also found in higher concentrations in near earth asteroids and the moon...

Near Earth asteroids (many of them easier to reach than the moon) contain comparatively high concentrations of rare-earth elements and other valuable resources.

I think the tipping point conjecture is probably the most correct way to view climate change based on the current evidence.

My first question upon reading the title is thus:

Molly Millions

Why does the blog view have the same headline twice, one of which links to a jezebel article... that contains nothing but a link back here?

Who pays ten dollars for a digital data cable?

"Separate Man from [our] tools... [we] become animal[s].

I doubt Steve would use his highly recognizable Merc to visit a cancer treatment center. Though it /is/ more likely than his Jobsness driving an old civic.

It strikes me how poorly lit some of those images were before retouching.

Why Restrict yourself? The original Orion study contained theoretical work for ships up to EIGHT million tons, practically an interstellar city. With modern materials and no need to conserve resources or money, we could probably create New York sized Orion craft

"We wanted to make the front page lighter and simpler to scan, while also emphasizing big feature stories that we've written"

Why is it so hard to promote comments in the new layout? What am I doing wrong? #help

If it was real, I'd expect many more videos and pictures of the event.

good artists borrow, great artists steal

I'm not quite ready to leave just yet, and I do actually like the new layout, but I have to agree with the part about not having "2011's New Crop of Supernatural Sex Bait" or some similar article taking up half the page when I first load io9