
You can do anything with a ... MONTAGE

@Tamerlane: No, I've already authenticated the code ages ago, but I need it to enter for the flair.

Hmm, I guess that means I should try to find my Halo:CE key, I'm sure it's around here somewhere :/

@Lovick: 3 years vs. 13 years, there's no comparison

Well, I for one can't wait to get my hands on this game.

@Railgun5: Duke Nukem Forever has been in 'development' for more than 13 years, whereas Episode three has only been in development for three.

I assume when the website says 'price available on request' it means 'if you have to ask, you can't afford it'...

@silver-bolt: No, there's a room where the walls are full of holes that start affecting the astronauts in different ways, and at the end one of them 'decodes' the holes to be a message about god.

"(The article doesn't say which one)...about a mission to Mars which goes wrong and leaves some of the astronauts psychologically damaged. The 20-minute film, which will be called /The Field Of Vision/"

"This means that your WPA2 network isn't vulnerable to attacks from the outside, but rather (and more creepily) from those already trusted to join the network."

@kooch888: DNA evidence /shouldn't be the only evidence, but all too often it is, and due to the CSI effect, many juries will convict on little more than conjecture and lab-work, even if the suspect couldn't possibly have committed the crime.

@njso18: What if they broke down your door, arrested you, and then threw you in prison for ten years before realizing that you couldn't have actually committed the crime?

@ant1pathy: While that's true to an extent, DNA evidence is not infallible, there are plenty of cases where botched labwork, false positives and administrative mix-ups have led to supposedly 'infallible' DNA evidence convicting an innocent citizen.

@kooch888: Umm, that's precisely the problem with using this technique, even if you /haven't/ committed any crimes, or even if you have no connection to a case other than a relative, you might still come up as a suspect.

this article requires more acronyms

This is not new technology, molten salt CSPs already exist.

"Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on whether or not you view these guys as brilliant schemers or common criminals"

No Dark City reference?

@szielins: Actually, do to it's relatively deep gravity well, the Earth is highly differentiated. Basically, during it's formation, gravity pulled most of the siderophilic elements (such as cobalt, gold, iron, and much of the platinum group) into the core, leaving the crust relatively barren of these elements.