
Are you telling me that the sky really /is/ falling?

There is actually a legal recourse here, which is to appeal to a higher court that will likely have a better understanding of federal and constitutional law (yes, the United States Constitution could apply here, the broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause indicates that federal vehicle regulations supersede many

Looks like a failed missile test (seems to be a common thing these days). The high altitude is what makes it appear 'slow', but the exhaust trail gives away its real speed.

"As a rule, languages only split apart, never merge together"

@dkall2: is that what you kids call it nowadays?

Clearly this is evidence that ghost pirates were responsible for 9/11.

I am disappointed (but not surprised) by the number of games on that list that have numbers at the end of them or are otherwise sequels

I'd be afraid to bring a Lambo out in this heat, those things have enough problems with spontaneous combustion

@antpwny: A genre is not a brand, it's more like a body-type. If you build a car by hand that looks exactly like a Mercedes SLR coupe out of all Mercedes parts etc. it may not actually be a Mercedes, but it /IS/ a front-engined two door coupe grand touring car.

@antpwny: If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck...

@gallahad: presumably that energy would come from other objects within the system, possibly the rotational energy of the star itself.

Could this be a similar phenomenon to the 'Hot Jupiters' which form outside the frost-line as a normal jovian and then 'migrate' closer to the parent star due to orbital perturbations.

@clytamnestra: the reason organic food is more expensive though (at least one reason) is that it doesn't yield as much as other agricultural methods. We could only feed about half the world's population using organic methods.

@GamerKT: Although the animation and direction is Korean/Japanese, the writing, production and voices are all American.

@GamerKT: Noir is a genre of film, just as Anime is a Genre of animated work, in that respect, they /are/ the same. I was simply using Noir as an example.

@GamerKT: Anime, like any other genre, is a collection of characteristics, such as visual style, motiffs and thematic elements that categorize a work. Works exist as part of a genre independently of the ethnicity of their creator or the culture of their audience.

Considering that AT&T no longer offers an unlimited data plan, how much did this iAd just cost in bandwidth?

"You will be finding chunks of Joseph Campbell's calcified spooge behind your ears for three days after watching this film, no matter how many times you bathe."

Oh Nic Cage's 'hair', will you ever stop being a source of amusement? I think it unlikely.