
I thought Team Fortress 2 was already set in the wild west, what with all the desert maps and all.

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: Don't use that word. In video game culture it has lost all meaning.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

The title made me think this was an announcement trailer for Lego Prince of Persia.

y'know, if enough people stopped flying to protest these ridiculous security measures, eventually the Airlines would demand that they stop to preserve their bottom line.

@Joe: most .exe or .msi files are probably legitimate, depending on what they are supposed to contain and where you downloaded them (yes, that Modern Warfare 2 crack you downloaded from [warezrus.net] probably has a virus) use a little common sense and you can download executables with little fear.

"this ignores the realities of sea-level corrosion on a jet engine"

@soap_box: I played the Braid demo on PC and was not impressed. Too be fair, puzzle based platformers were never 'my thing'

I haven't bought anything that cost 'M$ points' yet, but if Crazy Taxi was available on the arcade, I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

"they're paid better under Activision than anywhere else."

@firemac: I gotta commend firemac though, I've been calling it the iTab since the announcement and no one else has called me on it.

@firemac: because it's easier to type than 'iSlate'

Clearly, the dog has perceived the iTabs true, evil nature. No wonder the cat performed so... suspiciously well with the iTab, cats and iTabs both being creations of pure malevolence.

@talgrath: Wow, way to not read or comprehend what I wrote.

I'm pretty sure the 'real' reason is that there is so much bromance going on in the gears, that no self-respecting uterus-possessor could stand to be within shouting distance of the front lines.